Chapter 40 :D

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Thank you winchesterlover1967!!Love you Megz!!! And btw, this part might be REALLY long!


*2 months later*

I looked in the mirror infront of me. Something's different. I know it. "Justin, do I seem different to you?" I asked, turning around at different angles. "No, you look like my normal Sophie. Why?" he asked, smiling slightly. "I don't look..I don't know, like me anymore." I sighed, still trying to figure out what had changed.

"Oh my God! theres a spider! Justin kill it! Kill it!" I screamed. I jumped onto the bed and started screaming. "Okay, okay. Its dead. Are you okay?" he asked me. "Yeah, just terrified of spiders." I got off the bed. "Are you sure i dont look different to you?" He sighed and kissed me lightly. "Sophie, babe, nothing is different." he said calmly. I sighed and looked abck over at the mirror. "I've gained wait." I yelled, figuring out what was different. "You have not." he scowled. "Yeah, I have." I argued, grabbing my purse. "Where are you going?" he asked. "The gym." I smiled innocently, walking out the door.

"You dont need to work out. You're still the beautiful girl i married." he told me. "Im still going to the gym." i said. "Fine, just be careful. And take alyssa." he sighed. "Okay. Love you." i said walking out the door. I called alyssa. "Hey, i need you to come to the gym with me." i said. "Okay, why?" Alyssa asked.

"I've gained weight." I sighed. "Soph, did you ever consider that you may be.." " No! Don't say that word. I'm just fat." I almost yelled, pushing the thought back in my head. "Whatever. I'll meet you there." she sighed. I nodded and hung up the phone, walking over to my car.

I knew i couldnt be, i mean i took the test. It said i wasnt. when i got to the gym, Alyssa was there waiting. "You're not fat." she said. "Yes i am. I've just been really hungry lately. I'll just burn off the fat here." i said. "You're not fat, you're just hungry." she said. "Yeah but, I've been like major hungry. It's like I'm 3 people all of a sudden." I sighed, stepping on a treadmill. "Sophie, don't overdo it today." she warned, stepping on the machine next to mine. "Alyssa, calm down. I'm fine." I sighed, starting up the treadmill to a light run.

"Sophie, don't overdo it today." she warned, stepping on the machine next to mine. "Alyssa, calm down. I'm fine." I sighed, starting up the treadmill to a light run. just workin out a lil. And skipping dinner tonight." i said lowering my voice so she wouldnt hear that last part. "You're what?" she yelled. "Just workin out a lil." i said. "No, after that." she said. "Im skipping dinner tonight." i said in a low voice. "No you're not. I will make sure of that." she said. "I need to loose this weight. I cant do that by eating more." i said.

"Sophie, your going to kill yourself. Your already a stick. Your not skipping dinner tonight." She scowled. "Yes I am. It's my life." I yelled, turning the treadmill up. "Justin won't let you." she stated. "Yes he will. He supports anything I do." I scowled, now running. "Fine but when yyou get sick and your put in the hospital, don't say I never warned you." she sighed.

"I wont be sent to the hospital. If i get really hungry i will have a small snack. Its not like im going days without eating just tonight." i said. "fine but you have to eat good tomorrow. like enough to comepletely fill you up. You will hurt yourself if you dont eat." she said. "Fine, deal. But im not eating a lot today. I will have a sandwich later but thats all." i said. "No, you'll starve. You have to eat more than that. And we are gettin another test. You need to eat no matter what. You are not fat and as long as you eat healthy you will be fine." she said. "Not another test. I know for a fact that im not. Theres no reason for me to think i am." i said.

"Soph, your hungry all the time now and your gaining weight. Wha telse could it be?" she asked. I just rolled my eyes, "Fine buy another friggin' test but, it's going to say the same thing." I scowled, jumping off the treadmill. "Fine. I'll be right right back." she said, grabbing her purse and walking out the door. I sighed and continued working out until a few minutes later, she came back in, a small bag in her hand.

We walked to the bathroom and i took the test. "You wanna look or me?" she asked. "Go ahead. I already know what it says." i said. She walked to the sink and took a look. "You were right, but that still doesnt explain all this." she said. "I told you." i said. We walked back to the workout room and i ran on the treadmill again. "I know you told me so but, still, take it easy." she said.

"Ok,Ok. I will." I sighed, turning the treadmill back up. About an hour later, we drove back to Chaz's. Yes, Justin and I are still staying with Chaz becuase we're just not ready to go and face my mother again. I walked inside and ran to Justin. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, seeing the concerned look on Alyss'a face.

"What'd you do?" Justin asked, looking down at me. "Nothing." I scowled over at alyssa, threatening her to keep her mouth shut. He sighed and I walked into the bedroom to change clothes.


I let Sophie go and watched her walk into our room. "Justin we need to talk." Alyssa said, pulling me into the kitchen. "Ok, What is it?" I asked, a worried feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Shes gonna try to skip dinner." she said. "No she's not, she'll hurt herself." i said. "I know." alyssa said.


I went upstairs to the bedroom and got out a t shirt and a pair of jeans. They felt really tight. "Hey Alyssa. Can you come here for a sec?" i hollered. "Yeah, be right there." she said. She came upstairs and walked into the bedroom. "You okay?" she asked. "Yeah, but these pants are really tight. What should I do?" i asked. Justin came in behind her and stared at me. "I think we should get you to a doctor." he sighed. "No, Justin. I'm not pregnant." I almost yelled, feeling tears well up in my eyes. He sighed and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me. "Wanna go for a drive? Maybe calm your nerves." he whispered, smiling.

I nodded and pulled out of his grip. He took my hand and we all walked out to his Range Rover. Justin got in the driver seat, Alyssa in the back, and I slid in the passengar seat, leaning my head against the door. We drove for a few minutes and then Justin stopped the car. "Where are we?" I asked, not looking up. They were both quiet and got out of the car, over to my door. Justin opened the door and grabbed my hand. I finally looked up and saw we were at the hospital. "No. I'm not pregnant. I'm not going in there." I whined, tensing up. "We're just gonna make sure, Soph." Justin sighed, pulling me out.

I rolled my eyes and unwillingly followed them inside. Alyssa signed me in and I sat in the waiting room, Justin's fingers intertwined with mine. "Sophie Bieber." I heard the nurse call. Justin and I both stood up and walked into the examination room. I sat on the table and looked over at the nurse as she flipped through my charts. "What seems to be the problem today, Mrs.Bieber?" she asked, looking up at me. "We need a pregnancy test." Justin said before I could.

She nodded and left the room. I sighed and scowled down at Justin who gave me an innocent smile. I rolled my eyes and a few minutes later, the nurse returned with a test in her hands. She handed it to me and I walked into the bathroom.

*A few minutes later*

"Would you like me to check or do you want to?" the nurse asked us. "We will." I sighed, standing up and grabbing Justin's hand. We walked into the bathroom, looking down at the test. Justin sighed and looked over at me. "I told you." he chuckled.

Somebody to love ( a justin bieber love story) COMPLETE!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن