Part 26

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Yay!! Part 26!! I never thought I would ever get this far but it's all thanks to you guys, my fans. But I guess you can never say never!! ;) I really appreciate all the nice comments, votes, and all the fans. I would be nothing without you guys. Almost 30,000 reads!! Keep it up. I love you all!! XoXo
 Scooter and I sat through the concert counting how many times Justin flipped his hair. (He cut off the swoosh =( He still looks hot though) There's a pic over there ---->  We got 35 times in 3 hours. I couldn't help but laugh at such a high number. He finally walked off stage and Scooter and I stood up from our seats. We walked through a little crowd of fans and into Justin's dressing room. As soon as he walked in, he threw off his white jacket and the purple shirt underneath. I watched him rip the tape that was holding his mic pack off of his stomach. I made a face at the sound. He threw the mic pack on the table and came over to me. "So what'd you wanna do now?" He asked wrapping his arm around me. I leaned into him even though he was sweaty. I mean he looked hot, but still...sweat is sweat. Right? "I don't care." He was about to say something but then his phone went off. "Hello?"....."What? How?"....."Ok. I'll be there soon."....."Bye." He had a scared look on his face. Apparently me not changing the wire was a huge mistake. There was a fire. The cut wire caught on something and started a spark. It totally destroyed the kitchen. But someone called it in before anything else could happen. Oh my God!! This was all my fault. I pulled away from Justin and sat down on the couch. I put my head in my hands and tried to control my anger towards myself. Justin came over to me. He tried comforting me but he didn't understand what had happened. He told me it wasn't my fault and that I had no way of preventing it. But I did!!! I let him believe his comforting method was working and we walked outside. We left my car and my things in the hotel. We jumped in the tourbus and started driving towards home. The whole time, Justin kept trying to comfort me but it wasn't working.  After a couple hours, we finally arrived. Justin and I ran inside. We stopped as soon as we saw the kitchen. Everything was coal black and burnt to a crisp. I was afraid to take a step out of the living room. We both stood on the border between the two rooms, staring....Staring at my mistake.....Staring at what didn't have to be. Justin started to step into what was left of the kitchen. I grabbed his arm, afraid of what would happen. "Sophie, it'll be fine." I trusted his judgement and let him go. He walked into the kitchen and nothing happend. He continued to walk to about the middle of the floor. Then, we both heard a loud creeking sound from the floorboards. Justin began to run back towards me. But his leg got caught in the giant crack that now was split down the burnt hardwood floor. We both screamed. I reached for his outstretched hand. I grabbed it but he slipped and then fell through the floor. I felt myself scream..................
I opened my eyes to find myself sweating and dazed in Justin's arms. "Oh my God! Sophie, you'r okay!!" I blinked furiously to figure out where I was. I figured out I was on the tourbus floor with everyone looking down at me. "Wha-Wha-What happened?" He lifted me up to the couch and made me sit down. "You fainted." I now woke up enough to feel the giant headache that now throbbed through my skull. Was something wrong with me? I hope not. "How? When?" He sat down beside of me. "You stepped onto the bus and just like fell. Are you sure you'r okay, baby?" Well, come to think of it, I haven't really slept much since he left. "Yeah, I'm fine I sware. Just really tired." He smiled and lifted me up. "What are you doing?" He shook his head playfully. "I'm taking you to bed." I felt like a baby being carried by my father. "Yes daddy." We both laughed and he laid me down on his bed. I pulled the covers up over my head and tried to get some sleep.

~*~*~Justin's POV~*~*~
  I laid Sophie down on the bed, turned off the lights, and left the room. "She's really scaring me." I told Scooter as I sat down on the couch. He came over and put his hand on my shoulder. "Life's scary sometimes, man. We just gotta live through it." I laid my head in my hands. "How? What if something really is wrong?" He sighed. "Maybe she just needs some sleep. Unless........." I lifted my head. "Unless what?" He laughed a little. "Is Sophie a pothead?" I just rolled my eyes. "I'm serious, Scooter" I was starting to yell. "Ok, no need to go hostile. I honestly don't know, Justin. I'm sorry." I let my head fall back into my lap. I stayed like that the whole ride home, trying to figure things out. Everything was fine before. I just...Don't....Know.. As we arrived at the house, I went to check on Sophie. She was still asleep. So I decided to go in the house by myself. I walked in and went around to the kitchen. Things weren't soo bad. The curtains and table were unfixable but everything else seemed fine. I walked over to the counter and found this weird blue wire. I grabbed it and went outside. I asked my crew if any of them knew what it was. Kenny told me it was an electrical wire. He grabbed it from me and went under the house. He emerged a few minutes later. He said he had fixed the problem. I nodded even though I had no idea that there was a problem in the first place. He saw the confused look on my face. So he explained that the old wire was broken and the power went out. Why ddin't Sophie tell me? Hmm.....Oh well, I have bigger problems to deal with right now. I walked back onto the bus, Kenny right behind me and threw myself down on the bed beside Sophie. My movement woke her up. "Feeling better?" She smiled. "Yeah. Thanks." I leaned over and kissed her forehead. She had a major fever. I told her to stay in bed and relax. She did as I said and I walked into the livingroom. I picked up my laptop and headed to google. I thought what Sophie had might have been the flu but I don't think flu symptoms include random fainting. I typed everything that I saw that was wrong with her. I waited a second for it to load. I read down the links of diseases and other illnesses. Typical stuff. the flu, a cold, just normal stuff like that. But when I got to the bottom, I felt my heart stop. The link read: 'Fainting, fatique, and fever are all early signs of...... pregnancy.'???!!!!???!!  =O
Sorry if it's boring. I haven't been writing much lately. I've been trying to catch up on Supernatural!! I LOVE DEAN!! lol......I should be writing more unless I get grounded. Yeah, it's official. I suck at math. Haha but I still can't believe that I have over 100 fans, my story has over 30,000 reads, and I'm on the What's Hot list. I love all of you for this. You guys are the only reason I have gotten this far. Thank you all!!! Keep reading!!! Comment? Vote? Fan me?  <(") ALiCE FAye(")>

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