Part 32 :))

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~~*~~Sophie's POV~~*~~
 After getting the call from Justin, I hurried home. When I got there, he was in the living room setting up the xbox. Pic of the living room over there---->
I threw my keys on the counter and hurried over to him. I saw that he already had several game cases picked out. I looked them over, seeing only one that I could actually play. "Okay, pick a game." he said just as he finished hooking it up. "Ummm, Halo." He laughed, realizing why I chose that game. I handed it to him and he put in in the console. We both sat down on the couch and grabbed a controller. As the game started up, I had a feeling of day ja voo. <--Probably spelled wrong. This was how Justin and I first became like really close.Well, except for the cake ;) It's hard to believe that we met almost 3 years ago. I was soo lost in thought, I didn't realize that I had stopped playing the game. Justin waved his hand in front of my face. "Yo, Soph., what's wrong?" I shook my head. "Nothing. Sorry." He laughed a little but just continued to play. I pushed the thoughts further back in my mind and started to play. "Hey, where's Halee?" I asked surprisingly. "Come to think of it, I have no idea." I paused the game and got up. I started walking towards the bathroom where I left her showering. The door was still shut and I could hear the water still on. So I decided to knock. I gave three slow rapps on the door. No answer. I slowly opened it just to see Halee standing there in a towel with a shocked look on her face. "Oh my God, Sophie, what are you doing?" She huddled the towel up in her hands and wrapped it closer to her body, trying to cover herself. "Sorry. I'm sorry. You've been in here for 3 hours." I had my eyes squinted, to shield my eyes from both mine and her embarrasment. "You'r shower's awesome!" I rolled my eyes and backed out the door. Justin had a questioning look on his face but I just shook my head. "Have you told your mom about the divorce decision yet?" I sat back down on the couch. "No. Not yet. I'll call her after the game." He nodded and unpaused Halo. We played for about an hour and I finally decided to call my mom. I got out my cell phone and dialed her number. I heard her pick up the phone. "Hey mom."....."Yeah, Justin and I decided it was best for all of us if we got a divorce and moved back home until were old enough."....."Huh? Why?"....."You don't even know Tiffany."....."Umm, okay. I guess we'll figure something out. Bye." I pushed 'End' and put the phone down. "What'd she say?" Justin asked. "Well, apparently Tiffany lost her apartment and mom let her live in my old room."
He yawned a little. "So, you can come live with me and my mom." I shook my head. "Sure, Justin, that sounds awesome but mom doesn't even know Tiffany. Why would she just let her live there?" He had a tired look on his face. "I'm not sure but let's ask questions later. Enjoy the time we still have here. Besides, I'm tired. Let's go take a nap or something." I smiled. "I guess your right. Ok." Come to think of it, I was actually really tired. Justin grabbed my hand and we went upstairs to bed.

~~*~~Halee's POV~~*~~
 I couldn't help but overhear Sophie's conversation. Aww, too bad to hear about her room. 'Our plan is working out perfectally, Tee!!' I sent the text and went into the livingroom. I sat down on the couch. Confused? Good. Well, you should be. Sophie and Justin will be too when they find out that Tiffany was the one that cut the wire to their house and that I'm the one who started the rumors about 'Jelena'. See, Tiffany and I first met at the mall. I went shopping and met her at the icecream parlor. We started talking about Justin Bieber and how much we loved him. She told me about Justin's girlfriend and I realized it was my ex-bestfriend. a.k.a. Sophie. We both wanted Justin to ourselves so we made a plan to get rid of Sophie so he would have to pick one of us. I can already tell Justin likes me. So I'm not worried at all. We exchanged numbers and it all continued from there. 'Good. I'm working on it.' I smiled at the thought. Our plan was to have Tiffany somehow convince Mrs.Harlander that she was a friend of Sophie's so she would allow her to live there. And then Tiff would tell her mom some things about Justin and Sophie. Things that aren't true. Things that would ruin their reputation forever.

~~*~~Tiffany's POV~~*~~
"Thank you soo much for letting me stay here Mrs.H." I smiled and sat down my things. "No problem sweetheart. Any friend of Sophie's is welcome here."
 I bit my bottom lip to hide the sly smile behind the act. "Well, now that their expecting, Justin and Sophie need to be together now more than ever." Her smile fading into a shocked jaw drop. "Excuse me?" I almost rolled my eyes. "Didn't Sophie tell you? Whoops!!" I saw her run out of the room and pic up the phone in the hallway. "SOPHIE ANN HARLANDER!!!" I heard her scream into the phone. I laughed to myself and laid on the bed smiling. =)
 Unexpected :)  haha. Thanks for all the comments and votes!! Love you guys!!  Love and pickles =P  <3 Alice <3

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