Part 17...Enjoy!!

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Everyone dressed in black. Even Justin. He wore an actual suit . Like with a tie and everything. But I couldn't help but laugh when I saw his black supras. The wake last night was hard but today's going to be way worse. My mom asked Justin to sing and of course he accepted. We walked into the main room and found our seats in the front pews in the reserved section. My dad and Melonie flew in last night. So I sat between my sister and Justin. I saw my grandfather's coffin set up in the front of the room. He looked soo peaceful. They asked the close family to come up and say their last goodbyes. Everyone in my row stood up, except for Justin, and went up to the coffin. When it was finally my turn, I touched my grandfather's cold hand and then burst out into tears. I practically ran back to my seat. I hid my face into Justin's shoulder, probably ruining my make-up but I don't really care. My sister saw my tears so she reached over and touched my knee. I sat up and watched my uncle walk up on stage and stand infront of the microphone. I listened to him speak about grandpa's good qualities and put a few jokes in to make people laugh.  And then I hear him announce, "And now I am proud to neice's boyfriend....someone I hope will soon be part of our family.....a very talented young man......Justin Bieber!!" I gave Justin a little nudge and he stood up and walked up to the stage. The music started up and he started singing 'Set a Place at You'r Table.' I always loved this song but today it was different. Tears started falling down my face even more. My sister leaned over and gave me a hug. My sobs continued all through the song. Finally, it ended but befor Justin came and sat down, I saw my uncle whisper something to him.. We sat through the whole ceremony silently.  When everything was said and done, everyone was packing into their cars, heading to the cemetary. "I don't want to go. I just don't think I can handle it right now." I didn't even want to be here, little lone a cemetary. "Ok sweetie. Umm...Justin would you mind taking Sophie to the house for an hour or so?" My mom asked. Justin opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted him. "No. Anywhere but Grandpa's house."  I bowed my head down as I spoke. "Umm..Okay Sophie. We'll go to the park or something." Justin said. My mom nodded before sliding into the passengar seat of our grey Trail Blazer. Justin and I started walking down the road. "Where are we going?" He thought for a second before saying, "Burger KIng?" I smiled at the idea. "Yeah. Burger King sounds awesome." He grinned and took my hand. We could see the giant 'BK' sign just a couple blocks away. So we started walking down the road. As we entered the restuarant, paparazzi were everywhere. "Just smile." Justin said even though I had plenty of experience with these people. We went up to the register and ordered. "I got a medium slushy and Justin, a large orange juice. We found a seat and started to talk about today. "Sophie, I'm sorry." I laid my head on his shoulder. "Please don't be sorry. It's not you'r fault." He looked confused then. "Well, I dont know what do say then." Just then, a thought popped into my head. "How about let's not say anything." Yet again, that adorable confused look that I loved soo much. "Then what do you want to do?" I leaned up and kissed him. I pulled back. "How about that?" He smiled. "Ok." He wrapped his arms around my waist and was about to kiss me when, a man with a camera came up and snapped a shot, causing a giant flash. Justin turned around and the man ran away. "What do you want for you'r birthday?" I saw him turn to me. I haven't really given my birthday much thought. "I have no clue, Justin." He flipped his hair out of his face. "Well think. I want to get you the best present ever." I smiled. "But you already have. I have you. That's all I need." He rolled his deep brown eyes. "No!! Something I can wrap." I sighed. "Surprise me." He was about to speak but I put my finger to his lips. "I said surprise me." He just nodded. But I guess what I really want for my birthday would be to not be soo depressed. I know my birthday is only like a week away but I want to be over the loss of my grandpa as soon as possible. Justin grabbed my hand and we walked outside and finally decided to walk back to my grandfather's house. I walked in the door and immediately ran to his room. I sat down on the bed.

~~~~~Justin's POV~~~~~
I watched Sophie walk into what I guess is her grandfather's room. I sat down at the kitchen table and thought about her birthday present. I was mainly thinking about what her uncle told me. I mean this was a huge piece of advice. I don't know. This was alot to deal with. Was it too early? What would Sophie say? Well I don't know. But I think I'm going to go for it.

Sorry guys I know it's short.The next chapter will be longer. Im working on another story. Look for 'My Playdate With a Popstar!!!' Up soon.... Vote or Comment!!!!!

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