Part 41

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Okay! Guys this is very close to the last part. I haven't decided if the part after this will be the last or not! Guess we'll have to see how well this one does!


"What? What's it say?" I asked, not looking over at the test. "Congratulations mommy." Justin smiled, putting his hand on my stomach. I sighed and looked over at him. "Aren't you happy?" he frowned slightly. "O-Of course I am." I lied, smiling fakily. Taking my hand again, he grinned and walked back out to the examination room. "So..?" the nurse asked, smiling. Justin and I nodded symutaniously. "Congratultions." she smiled unenthusiastically and wrote something down on my chart. "Okay, here. This is when I want you to come back for your sonogram." she expalined, handing me a piece of paper.

I nodded and looked down at it in disbelief as we walked out, seeing Alyssa in the waiting room. "Was I right?" she grinned, looking over at us both. "Yup." I mumbled. "Aww, yay! I call godmother." she chuckled, hugging me. "Sure." I sighed, pulling Justin back out to the car. Alyssa slid in the back seat again and we drove back to Chaz's. As soon as we got back, I ran into our room and layed back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey baby." Justin smiled, walking in. "Hi." I sighed, pulling him over to me. "Are you scared?" he asked, stroking my hair. I nodded desperatley and looked into his bright eyes. "Don't be. We have plenty of people that will help us." he reassued, leveling his face with mine. I just sighed, not answering, and closing the space between us. I felt his lips curve into a slight smile as he deepened the kiss. "I love you.'' he smiled, pulling back. "Love you too." I sighed, resting my head on my chest.

~~~Day of sonogram~~~Also 2 months later~~

I looked at myself in the mirror. Wow! I'm only for months pregnant but, I'm huge. "Ready Sophie?" Justin asked, putting his arms around my shoulders. "Nope." I smiled weakly, looking up at him. "Too bad." he grinned, sliding his hand in mine. I intertwined our fingers and walked out the door to his black Range Rover. "Any thought on names?" I asked, filling the uncomfortable silence that hovered around the car. "Tons of thoughts. Just nothing I really like yet. What about you?" he asked, squeezing my hand.

"I was thinking Avery if it's a girl or Sam for a boy." I said, the list of names running through my mind repeatedly. "Meghan Avery." he smiled brightly. "That's perfect. Meghan Avery Bieber." I grinned estatically, already picturing our baby. Those are 2 words I thought I'd be saying several years from now. Not as an 18 year old. Our baby. I sighed and closed my eyes, smiling still. "And what about Evan?" he asked, interrupting my daze. "Like Evan Samuel?" I asked, my eyebrow raised. He nodded shakily, like he was asking my permission. "I love it." I sighed, the nerveous feelings leaving my body.

I sat back and sighed as we arrived at the doctor's office. Justin helped me out of the car and we walked inside. After Justin signed me in, we sat down at the maternity ward clinic. I sart down uncomfortablly, looking around at all the other couples. Justin and I were by far the youngest ones there. "Sophie Bieber." a nurse announced, holding a clipboard.

Justin helped me up and we followed her into one of the rooms. I layed back and looked over at Justin who gave me a bright, confident smile. The nurse asked me to raise my shirt. I did as told, revealing my overly-sized stomach. She poured some clear liquid on my stomach and took a small device over it. We all 3 looked over at the screen that hung over the sonogram machine. "Ok, there's the head." she explained. Everything was soo hard for me to comprehend. Especially when all I saw was a blurry blob up on the screen.

"It's a boy." she smiled excitedly. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I looked over at Justin again. He kissed me quickly and gripped my hand tighter. She continued to look around on the screen and then gasped slightly. I raised an eyebrow, afraid to ask what she saw. "Is he okay?" Justin asked, the muscles in his hand tensing between my fingers.

She nodded reluctantly. "Oh, he's fine...and so is his sister." she explained, still looking at the monitor. "His what?" I asked, shaking a little. "Your having twins." she smiled again, handing me a paper towel.I wiped off my stomach and more tears filled my eyes as the idea of having 2 babies finally sank itself into my brain. As I sat back up, I felt Justin's hand on my cheek, brushing my hair away. "Atleast we can use both names now." he chuckled, kissing me lightly.


Okay guys in your comments, I want you to answer these questions:

1)Did you love it?

2)Are you gonna vote?

3)Do you like my baby names?

4)Are you gonna go read 'You Can't Love Me' by Purplegrrl97? (please do! It's an awesome story)

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