Part 27 =)

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~~*~~Still Justin's POV~~*~~
 No. It isn't possible. Is it? No. I mean, we haven't done anything. Wait!! What if she's cheating on me? I have to know the truth.

~~*~~Sophie's POV~~*~~
 I was laying on the bed when I saw the door open. Justin walked in with a worried look on his face. "Are you pregnant?" I was shocked. "What?" He rolled his eyes. "Oh my God, Sophie, just answer the question. Are? You? Pregnant?" God, why was he being soo hostile about this. How did he even get an idea like that. "No! What's wrong with you?" We were both screaming now. "What's wrong with me? I'm not the one lying." Has he gone crazy? "Whatever, Justin." I was threw arguing with him about this. I grabbed everything I brought (which wasn't much) and ran out of the bus. "Where are you going?" he screamed behind me. "Home. Just go on tour and Leave. Me. Alone." I ran into the house, past the kitchen, not really caring about the fire anymore. I ran upstairs and called Alyssa. I would have called my mom, but she was soo far away. I needed someone now. I heard Justin coming up the stairs and stop at the door. "Hello?" I hear her say. "Alyssa please come get me." I felt the tears fall down my face. "What happened?" I didn't feel like answering any questions. "I'll explain everything later. Please. Just hurry." I heard her sigh. "Fine. I'll be there soon." Sure I could have flown home but this was easier.  "Thanks. Bye." I hung up the phone and Justin walked in. "Sophie, I'm soo sorry. I overreacted. Please stay." I wiped the tears from my cheeks. "It's a little late for that. Don't ya' think?" He sat down on the bed. "Please?" he said in a whisper. "No. I have forgiven you too many times. This time was too many." I started throwing everything that I owned into my suitcase. Justin tried to stop me. He stood in front of the dresser. "I'm sorry. I was upset and confused. Please, Sophie?" I felt the anger inside of me swell up like an overinflated balloon. "I don't really care. I've been upset before. And screaming at people was not how I dealt with it." He moved away from the dresser slowly. He sat back down and put his head down. I continued to pack, throwing random stuff in my bags. Not knowing if half the crap was mine or not because my tears were blinding me. I finally finished and went downstairs. I threw my bags in the front hallway and threw myself on the couch. Justin came and sat beside of me. "What part of 'leave me alone' don't you understand?" I scooted to the other end of the couch but he just followed. "Why? Why do you want me to leave you alone?" I put my hand on my arm, feeling my rings scratch my elbow. I pulled them off. "Because you'r just the person you said you weren't. You promised to never hurt me, but that didn't work. You promised to Never Let Me Go but....." He interrupted me, causing me to clench the rings tighter. "I don't want to let you go." His voice was shaky. "Too late for that." I whispered, handing him my rings. I wanted to run away but I couldn't. Home was 30,000 miles away and everyone around me was one of the people I was trying to avoid. The look on Justin's face made this a million times worse. He looked soo guilty and had tears in his eyes. I heard the doorbell ring. I got up, grabbed my bags, and headed out the door. Alyssa walked with me over to her white mercedes. I slid in the passengar seat and she started driving. "Care to explain?" she asked. "Not really. It's stupid." She nodded but then sighed a 'You are soo telling me later' sigh. I turned the radio up and sat back in my seat. My head now hurt worse than ever. I guess it was because of all the screaming. I sat back, thinking about what had just happened. Pregnant? There's no way I'm pregnant. I couldn't be. How could he even consider that? "Can you take me to a doctor?" I asked, breaking the silence bearer. "What? Are you okay?" I turned the radio off. "Yeah, I just need to check something." I knew I wasn't pregnant but I wanted to find out what was really wrong with me. "Ummm, yeah. Sure." She turned the car around and started driving to the hospital. She parked and I walked in. I went up to the desk and signed in. A few minutes later, they called my name. I walked back through the dark brown hallways and into a small office. I was told to sit up on the examination table. I jumped up and sat there while I waited on a doctor. Since I was still 16, I was still considered a child. So the office was covered with messily colored papers and random stickers. Just then, I heard a light knock on the door and saw a woman maybe in her late fortys. "Hi, I'm Doctor Bishop." She smiled and held out her hand. I shook it and continued to sit quietly. "So Sophie, what seems to be the problem here?" I sighed. "That's why I'm here. I don't really know." She sat down and flipped through my charts. "You'r symptoms seem to point to the common cold or flu. But that still doesn't explain the fainting." I held back the urge to roll my eyes at her obviousness. She sent me down to the lab to have some tests done. I had blood drawn and other stuff done. After it was all over, they told me they would get back to me with all my results. They handed me a paper to sign. 'Sophie Harlander', I wrote on the line. "I'm sorry Sophie, but on you'r charts, you'r last name isn't Harlander." Crap!! They handed me another copy and I neatly signed 'Sophie Bieber'. I practically threw the paper down and walked outside to meet Alyssa. "Geez, girl, you've been gone for 2 hours." I slid in the car. "I'm sorry." She laughed a little but just drove down the road. We drove for about 10 minutes until we got to her house. I walked inside and into her spare bedroom. I unpacked my things and lay down on the bed.

~~*~~A couple hours later~~*~~
 I was sitting at the kitchen table with Alyssa and a ton of Ben and Jerry's icecream. She finally talked me into telling her what had happened. I was just at the part where I gave my rings back, when I hear my cell phone go off. It was Dr.Bishop with my lab results. "Hello?"......."Yeah."......."I have what?"....."Oh my God really?"....." I let my head fall onto the table. "What'd she say?" Alyssa asked with her mouth full of icecream.  "I have......."
 Cliffy haha....Okay I want to give a shoutout to a couple of my fav stories here on wattpad: The Hot Jerk Kidnapped Me?!, Speak Now, and I can't trust you By: JBieber4ever.....That should be me By:AlyssaJade.....My lifesaver By: PurpleNinjaBelieber.....My life as Justin Bieber's girlfriend By: rubie13...The way I see you By:LoneTearFalls!!!!! All of these stories are very good. If you like mine, you should go read these. Keep up the good work guys. And keep reading, commenting, and voting!!!!!!   (**A-FAYE**)

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