Part 28

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--*--Justin's POV--*--
 I sat there on the couch for about an hour, looking down at Sophie's rings. I shouldn't have been such a jerk. I walked back out to the bus and put the

rings on my nightstand. Scooter told me that we had to be heading back to Washington for my tour. I sighed but then agreed. We started driving and I sat

down and turned on my xbox. As I played, I looked down at my hand. "Should I take my ring off?" I asked Scooter reluctantly. "You'r not divorced are you?"

I paused the game and sighed. "No. Not yet, anyway." He came and sat next to me. "Don't say that. She's just upset. She'll be back." I felt like my heart

was going to explode. "I don't know. She was pretty ticked." I stood up to leave but he grabbed my arm. "Just give it time man." I nodded and he let me

go. I walked into my room and grabbed my guitar. I started strumming randomly until I hear my cell phone ring. I looked down at the caller ID, hoping to

see Sophie's name, only to see that it was Alyssa. "Hello?" I heard Alyssa sigh. "Sophie just got back from the hospital a while ago ." I felt my eyes get

huge. "Really? What'd they say?" I could tell she was upset. "Justin, Sophie was diagnosed with mental depression." I felt my heart stop. I knew this was

my fault. "Is she alright? Did they give her anything?" I threw my guitar on the bed and started pacing around the room. "She's fine. She's back at the

hospital now." Her voice was cheering up by now but I could still hear the sadness behind it all. "Could you tell her to call or text me when she gets

home?" She sighed again. "I'll ask but no promises." I understood that she was probably still pretty ticked. "Ok. Thanks. Bye." With that I hung up the

phone and eagerly awaited for Sophie to somehow contact me.

~~*~~Sophie's POV~~*~~
 After hearing my diagnosis, I understood. I understood the anger and the constant sadness. Everything was starting to make sense now. I knew I wasn't

really mad at Justin. But I can't just go back to him. Can I? I shouldn't have given my rings back. I didn't mean anything I said earlier. Ok, back to the

storyline. I sat back in the same coloring sheet coated office waiting for Doctor Bishop. When she finally came in, she had a big pill bottle in her hand.

She handed it to me and explained that I have to take one of these twice a day and then she let me leave. Wow, that was a waste of time! I drove back to

Alyssa's in silence. Just the sound of the radio aggervated me right now. When I walked in, she gave me a huge hug. It's like I was dying or something.

She was in shock that I was okay. I mean, it's depression. Not cancer. She told me Justin had called and wanted me to talk to him. So I took one of the

big, blue pills and headed to my room. I threw my purse onto the bed and got out my cell phone. I decided that talking wasn't the best thing for me right

now. So I texted him.

~~*~~Text Convo~~*~~
'Hi'.....'Omg Sophie are u ok?'.....'Yeah, i'm fine. Listen, i'm sry about wat i said earlier. i didn't mean it.'.....'Really? So ur not mad?'.....'No. Well i guess

my depression explains everything.'.....'Yea but I can't give you ur ring back.'.....'Y?'.....'We just left. I have to go back to Washington.'.....'No =(. Fine i

guess i'll just stay with Alyssa 'till then.'.....'We can always turn around and get you.'.....'Nah.But wen u get home, we need to talk.'.....'Ok. Sure but cant u

tell me now?'.....'No it's too important.'.....'Umm...ok.'.....'B4 u leave, plzz go get my stuff out of my hotel room.'.....'Haha ok. I love u.'.....'I love u 2. Bye.'.....'Bye Soph.'

~~*~~Justin's POV~~*~~
I stood up and started dancing around the room. I turned around to see Scooter staring at me with a weird look on his face. I stopped dancing and stood

there embarrased. "I always knew something was wrong with you. But you just proved me right." I scoffed. "There is nothing wrong with me. Everything

is right again!" I no longer felt embarrased. So I started moon walking across the floor. He laughed. "So I was right?" I rolled my eyes. "I hate to admit it

Scooter, but yeah." He smiled. "I told you." I shook my head and he left the room.

~~*~~Sophie's POV~~*~~
 Talking to Justin really helped clear things up. Other than the things I have to tell him. I don't know if I can tell him the truth or not but I have to. He'll

understand.(Hopefully)  Okay. Off the negative. Onto the positive. I don't actually feel depressed at the moment. So I ran down the stairs and found

Alyssa. "Let's go out." She smiled. "Where to?" I thought for a second. "Let's go shopping." She ran to the front hallway and grabbed her keys. We both

ran outside and hopped in the car. She blasted the radio as loud as it could go and we started singing. "DJ got us fallin' in love again!!So dance, dance

like it's the last, last night of you'r life, life!!" She drove to the mall and we walked inside. We went inside every store, buying random things that caught

our attention. I bought that outfit over there ----> (without the jacket) When we finally finished shopping, we went to Subway. We ordered and then sat

down. I was finally starting to feel the effects of my depression. I felt all my emotions at once. I still kept the happy expression on my face but inside I felt

sadness, anger, and confusion. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Alyssa nodded and I practically ran to the bathroom. I locked the door and

stood there, crying for about 10 minutes until I heard Alyssa at the door. "Are you okay?" I wiped the tears away with my palm. "Yeah. I'll be out in a sec." I

heard her footsteps walk away from the door. I threw some cold water on my face. I opened the door and mumbled to myself: "God, I hope those pills

 Yet again, another sucky ending. Sorry!! Keep up the comments, votes, and fans!!!! Love you guys!!!  :)ALICE(:

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