Part 19

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Justin took me back up to the dance floor and we danced for a while. I bet I stepped on his toes atleast 12 times. But he didn't seem to care. We were both too busy planning out our wedding in our heads. My dream wedding was a small ceremony at the beach over looking the ocean. My dress would be a trumpet style and the bouquet, a dozen white roses. I would stand at the end of the alter and see Justin walk out in his tux. Just the thought made me smile. I laid my head on Justin's shoulder. "I love you." he whispered in my ear. "I know. I love you too." He lifted my head and pulled me in for a kiss. I grabbed his hand and headed back towards the car. I had alot of phone calls to make. Tell my mom, my dad, Melonie. And Justin had to call Pattie. Justin opened my door for me and I slid into the car.

~~~~~Justin's POV~~~~~
 I bet that Sophie had this girly wedding planned out in her mind and since we are soo young, we have to have parental concent to be married. But I don't want to ask my mom for permission. Sophie's my fiance. Haha that sounds weird. Fiance. The more I think about, the more I want to call her my wife. I know I just proposed a few minutes ago but I'm ready. I looked over to see her turning her ring around her finger and smiling. "Let's get married now." She looked at me shocked. "Huh? Now?" I could tell she didn't believe me. "Yeah. Now. Let's fly to Vegas or something." I'm normally a traditional kind of guy. But I knew what I wanted and I couldn't wait. "No. If we're gonna get married, I want it to be traditional." I pretty much beat my head on the back of my seat. "So you wouldn't marry me in Vegas?" She sighed. "No. Not in Vegas." I nodded. "Ok, fine. We'll tell everyone about the engagement and then plan the wedding as soon as possible." She smiled. "That's better." I reached over and took her hand. And we finally drove back to her grandpa's house.

~~~~~Back to Sophie's POV~~~~~
I ran into the house and saw that nobody was home. I walked into the living room and grabbed the phone. I dialed my mom's cell number.

~~~Phone Convo~~~
"Hello?".."Hey mom.".."What is it sweetie?"..."What if I told you I was getting married?"..."Hahaha!! Oh wait. You'r serious?"..."Duh!!"..."Then, I'd say that you were crazy."..."Oh."..."We'll discuss this when I get home."..."Whatever."

With that, I hung up. Justin saw the disappointed look on my face. "What'd she say?" I looked down at the floor. "She said I was crazy and she didn't believe me." He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Everything will be fine Sophie." I handed him the phone. "I hope so. You'r turn." I watched him dial the number and explain to Pattie everything. I almost cried when I heard him say how much he loved me and the reason he proposed.The last thing I heard him say before hanging up was, "Ok bye." Well thats not helpful. Ok could mean anything. It could be bad or good. Grr!! "What'd she say?" He smiled. "She said she supports whatever I decide." I sighed and flopped down on the couch. Justin sat down beside of me. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I have some more calls to make. I'll be back." I watched him walk into the kitchen. He dialed two more numbers and hung up with a smile both times. Why can't my family be as understanding as Justin's? He walked back over to me. "Who'd you call?" A huge grin appeared on his face. "My grandparents.." I looked at him closely. He had a sneaky look on his face. "Who else?" He flipped his hair. "Sophie. I know we've been dating for like 2 years now. But there's a really important person in my life that you haven't got to meet yet." I felt the confusion appear on my face. "Who is tha.." Just then my mom walked in the door. "Sophie Ann Harlander. We need to talk." I rolled my eyes and Justin gave a little laugh. I walked over to the kitchen where my mom was standing with her hands on her hips and her foot tapping angrily. "Listen mom, let me explain." I watched her shrug off her jacket and literally throw it onto the table. "Explain what? That my 16 year-old daughter wants to go off and get married to some guy she barely knows?" I can't believe her! "Oh my God! So 2 years together mean nothing?" I looked over to see Justin, still on the couch listening to every word we were saying. "Apparently. Because if Justin even gave a crap about you or our family, he wouldn't be soo stupid as to propose to you at 16." I looked over again to see him get up and walk outside. "He's the stupid one? Ok. Sure. I'm glad he proposed. So maybe I can get away from you." I felt the hot tears well up in my eyes and fall down my cheeks. I saw the hurt look on her face as I walked into the living room and out the front door. I found Justin on the porch steps with his head in his hands. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "Let's get out of here." I could tell he was upset but he didn't say anything. We got back into my grandfather's chevy and started driving. "Where are we going?" He asked even though he was the one driving. "Anywhere. I don't care." He nodded and we ended up at the airport. I wondered what he had planned but I just kept quiet. He bought 2 plane tickets and we boarded a plane. We weren't in the air for long. Maybe 4 hours. Justin and I didn't talk the whole flight. "All passengers aboard for Atlanta. You'r flight will be landing in 10 minutes." I hear over the speakers. "Home?" I asked, apparently scaring Justin. "Yeah. I heard what you said. I wanted to come home and get married as soon as possible." I smiled at the idea of not having my mom at my wedding. I know. Shallow right? But if you'r mom had just said something like that to you, wouldn't you feel the same? Our plane landed and since we had no luggage, we walked to Justin's house. It was like 2 in the morning so we had to be quiet and try not to wake Pattie. Justin unlocked the door and we walked inside. "I'll sleep on the couch. You sleep in my bed." Justin looked really tired but I felt bad. "No. This is you'r house. You sleep in you'r bed." I wasn't even tired. I just wanted to think about how our wedding was going to go. And how I was going to feel without my family there. "Are you sure?" I leaned over and kissed him. "Goodnight Justin." He yawned and started up the stairs. "Night." I watched him walk up the stairs and I sat down on the couch. I reached over and turned the lamp on the coffee table on. I laid down and the thoughts of the wedding filled my brain. Well my mom definetly wasn't going to be there. So that meant that my sister wouldn't be there to be my bride's maid. And my dad wasn't going to walk me down the aisle. Just then, I remembered something. Alyssa and I have became pretty close after the whole her trying to kill me incident. I got out my phone and texted her, asking her to me my bride's maid And to my surprise, she texted back almost immediately saying that she'd loved to. I smiled. I wasn't quite sure the date of the wedding yet but I knew if Justin wanted this as badly as I did, he would make is very soon. After settling out that problem, I finally felt sleepy. Atleast now, I'm going to have someone up at the alter that I could kind of call my sister. We were close enough to be sisters, I guess. Now the only thing left is to find someone to walk me down the aisle. Chaz? No. Ryan? Nah. Hmm...I wonder if Justin was talking about his dad earlier! I would love to have him escort me. But I have never met him. So......Awkward!! I felt my eyes fall and I finally fell asleep.
Please disregard what I said earlier about my other story 'Playdate with a popstar.' I might post it later on but probably not any time soon. Thanks to everyone who has voted, commented on, tweeted about, or even read my story. Means alot :] .... Follow me on twitter...IwantBieber6

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