Part 47

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Mom sighed and quickly stood up. "I want to see them." she stated, looking down at me. I nodded slowly and stood, guiding her out of the room.

After picking Evan up from the nursery and handing him over to mom, we walked into the NICU, seeing Sophie with her cellphone up to her ear. As soon as we entered Meghan's room, she closed the phone slowly and looked up at me.

"Who was it?" I asked, lifting her out of the seat, sitting down, and replacing her on my lap. "Mom?" she said in a shocked whisper. I raised an eyebrow. 2 years without any contact whatsoever and now she decides to call? "What'd she say?"

She sighed and stood up. "Can we take a walk?" she asked, holding out her hand. "Mom, can you watch the babies?" I asked, slipping my hand in Sophie's and standing. "Happy to." mom replied.


I pulled Justin back into my room and changed into that--->, throwing the hospital gown on the bed. "Ok, let's go." I sighed, taking Justin's hand.

We walked out of the hospital and down the sidewalk. "Tell me now?" he asked, looking over at me. "Should I let mom see Meghan and Evan?" I asked. "How'd she even find out about them?" he asked. "Oh, I don't know, Justin.

It's not like there's paparazzi following us everywhere." I said sarcastically, hearing him chuckle. "Ok, ok. Stupid question but, I don't know, babe. 2 years of nothing and now she's suddenly interested? It just sounds..weird." he sighed, draping an arm around my shoulder.

"So..don't let her see them?" I asked, laying my head on his shoulder. "I don't know. Let's not focus on this until we get the babies home, okay?" he whispered, kissing my forehead. I nodded slowly and tried pushing all thoughts of my mom away, trying to enjoy my time alone with Justin.

~~*~~A week later~~*~~

"Are you ready to go home?" I cooed as I placed Evan in his carseat. Justin had a now perfectly healthy Meghan already in her carseat and ready to go.

"I'm soo glad to finally be going home." Justin smiled, hooking the carseats in the back of the Range Rover. "Me too." I sat back in the passenger seat and layed my head against the window.

Justin slid in, taking my hand in his and driving towards home. When we pulled into the driveway, we each grabbed a carseat and opened the door only to be ambushed by a variety of hugs and 'welcome homes.'

I looked around at everyone, seeing Alyssa, Tiffany, Ryan, Chaz, Scooter, and many more of our friends gathered around us. I smiled and walked through everyone and into the nursery, laying Meghan in her crib and seeing Justin do the same with Evan.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back into the livingroom. "Soph-" someone yelled as we walked back in only to be cut-off by a light knock on the door.

Everyone went quiet as I walked up to the door. I opened it slowly, feeling my heart fall into my stomach. "Uhh.." I stuttered, looking across at the 3 people standing infront of me. 3 people I haven't seen in 2 years. 3 people I don't know if I could stand to let back into my life...

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