Part 18

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I came out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I walked over to the table to find a note. 'Went out to buy you'r present. Be back in an hour. Love you. -Justin!' I crumpled the note up and tossed it on the counter. I walked outside and started walking around. I finally decided to sit down on the grass. I sat for a while just looking at the shapes of the clouds until I got sleepy. I laid down thinking I would just rest my eyes for a second but I ended up falling asleep because I woke up on the couch. I woke up to the smell of hamburgers. I walked back outside to see Justin at the grill. "I didn't know you could cook." He flipped a burger into the air and it landed back on the barbecue perfectly. He smiled. "Well, I try." I rolled my eyes and walked over beside of him. He picked me up and spun me around. "Happy birthday." I couldn't help but laugh. When he finally put me down, I said "My birthday isn't until until Wednesday." He winked at me. "Then I guess you'll have to wait 'till then to get you'r present." I pouted. "Really?" He laughed at my face. "No. Not really." I smiled. "Where is it?" He flipped another burger. "Like I'm gonna tell you!!" I crossed my arms and continued to watch him cook. "Fine." The burgers were finally done and we sat down and ate. "When do I get my gift?" I said with food in my mouth. "When ever we get done here." I took a giant bite of my burger. "Ok. Done." He didn't say anything. Just kept eating. He finally took the last bite of his burger. "Ok. Now." I stuck my tongue out at him like a kid but he did the same. He stood up and grabbed my hand. We walked for a second. "Close you'r eyes. I'll be right back." He released the grip on my hand and I shut my eyes. I heard his footsteps walk in the other direction. A few seconds later, I heard him say "Ok. Open 'em." I did as I was told. But I almost fell over when I saw Justin infront of me on one knee. My breathing sped up and I think my heart stopped beating. "Sophie Ann Harlander, will you......" He opened the box. "accept the new car that I bought you?" Inside the box were a set of shiny silver keys. I didn't know whether to be relieved or upset. I felt a mixture of both. The smile on my face held even though I felt like crying. "Yeah." He had a giant smile on his face then. He grabbed my hand again and we walked into the garage. He flipped on the lights and infront of my Grandpa's old brown Chevy, I saw a brand new sliver Honda Odyssey. He handed me the keys and I jumped in the car. I had my learners permit but no license yet. Maybe a little joy ride won't hurt. "Are you coming with me?" I asked. "Nope. I'm going to let you enjoy you'r birthday present all by yourself." We both smiled. My smile was fake but he didn't know that. I hopped in the car and started it up. I eased down the road and out onto the highway. The whole time, I thought I saw my Grandpa's car behind me. But I guess I'm seeing things. "Oh crap!!" I say aloud when I find out I had hit something. I pulled over and got out of the car. Scared of what I would see, I slowly walked to the front of the car. "Ewww...Oh my God!!" There was crushed, bloody, bird on my front tire. Oh my God. I'm never getting my license now. I felt nausas but I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I stood there and looked at the dead creature for a few minutes. The tears from not only the bird, but the false engagement. I don't know. I was ready to marry Justin but I guess he's not ready to marry me. "CACCAWW!!" I almost jump out of my skin. "AHHHH!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I turn around to see Justin hovering over me. He burst into laughter and a giant smile spread across his face. "Not. Funny." He held his lips shut but couldn't hold them that way for long. "Sorry. Thought it'd lighten the mood." I felt the accidental anger boil inside of me. I didn't mean to be angry at Justin. I just was. The false engagement surprised me. But I thought it was real. Do I wish it was real? Heck no...Ok maybe a little but that's too bad now. "It's not." I said and threw myself back into the car. "Sophie. What did I say?" I just shook my head and drove away. I checked my rear-view to see Justin get back into my grandpa's car and follow behind me. But what he didn't know was that I wasn't heading home. Where was I going? Don't ask me!! I've got a full tank of gas and a heart full of sorrow. So I could drive forever. I drove with Justin behind me for about 2 hours until I heard my cell ring . "Hello?"....."What the heck are you doing?" I hear Justin say......."I don't know!"....."Well, I don't know, STOP!!".....*sigh* "I can't."......"And why is that?".....
"Umm. Dont know?"..."Well. I know you'r gonna have to stop in a minute!"..."And why is tha?" That was all I could manage to say before my car started to creek and like smoking. What the crap? I pulled over and jumped out of the car. I saw that I had a gas leak and my back left tire was flat. Justin pulled in beside me. "Did you know this was going to happen?" I asked with a scowl. "Well, you'r tire was giving out a couple miles back. And the leak just started." He had this guilty look on his face. Was I still mad? Of course but it was hard to mad at that face. "You bought me a defective car!!" His mouth dropped.
"I. Did. Not." I just smiled. "Take me home." He waved me over and we both hopped in the beat up chevy. "I'll come get the car tomorrow." I just nodded. We drove for the normal 2 hours that it took us to get home but he just kept driving. "Where are we going?" He laughed a little. "You'll see." I trusted Justin but I felt like I was being kidnapped. Oh no!! Has my boyfriend gone mad? Oh God, No. He's to 'Down to Earth' for something like that. ;)  We drove for like another half an hour before he stopped the car. He got out and came around and opened my door for me. I got out and looked around. "Wow!!" We were in some type of forest. But the trees were covered in twinkling lights. It was like a hallway of..I don't know....The only word to describe it I said earlier..."Wow." I looked over to see Justin smiling. He took my hand and led me down the long twinkly passageway. At the end was a beautiful wooden dancefloor. He took me up to the platform and I heard music start up. He wrapped both hands around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I dont really dance so you can imagine how akward this all was for me. "What's this about Justin?" He smiled at me and then gave me a small peck before pulling away from me. "I saw how upset you got about the car. So I thought I'd make it up to you." I smiled. "This wasn't about the car Justin. It was about.." He put his finger to my lips. "I know. It was about me not doing this." Just then, he got down on one knee again and pulled out another small box. "Sophie, you know how much I love you. Would you please...please marry me?" I think my heart skipped about 12 beats. He opened the box and inside was the most beautiful diamond ring. "I thought you'd never ask!" He smiled. He took the ring out of the case and placed it on my left ring finger. He then picked me up and spun me around. "I love you." My breath was still caught in my throat. He put me down and pressed his lips to mine. "I love you too."


Dont worry Im not done!!! More to come...It gets better =).....Vote Comment!!!!!!!!

Somebody to love ( a justin bieber love story) COMPLETE!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora