Part 35 :^)

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~~~~~On the Plane~~~~~

Justin and I were now on the white leather apholestry of the plane and we were finally away from my horrid mother.

I know. Mean thing to say right? But you all know it's true.

"Are you sure it's ok if we stay with Chaz?" Justin asked, putting his hand on my knee.

"It's fine. It's just that..."

I stopped myself from continuing, in fear that Justin may change his mind.

"What is it, Sophie?" I looked over at him and bit my bottom lip.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Truth be told, I was worried about my time with him.

With Chaz around, he would want to spean as much time with his bestfriend as possible.

They would always be gone and I would be by myself.....again.

"Please tell me. It kills me not being able to read your mind!"

I laughed, thinking of Edward Cullen. "Try harder, because I'm not telling."

He scowled at me but then leaned over and kissed me lightly.

"Tell me now?" He asked but I shook my head. He kissed me again. This time longer.

"Now?" This time I smiled but shook my head again.

He growled a little but just leaned over again. He grabbed both sides of my face and pulled me to him.

"You will tell me." I smiled but still refused to tell him.

This time he pressed his lips to mine and we both forgot about the argument.

We started making out right there on the plane. "Get a room!"

I heard some grouchy old woman yell from somewhere infront of us.

I pulled away and looked to see where the yell came from.

I saw this grey-haired, 80-ish year-old woman.

I felt Justin pull my hair away from my ear and whisper, "She shouldn't have been watching."

His breath tickled my ear and caused me to laugh. "Tell me now?"

His big, brown eyes pleading. "I'm worried about getting left out when we get to Chaz's."

He gave me a strange look but then smiled. "Sophie, nobody's leaving you out of anything." I sighed. "Promise?" He held up his right hand. "Bieber's honor." I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder........

~~~~~A couple hours later~~~~~

Apparently, I had fallen asleep because I woke up to Justin carrying me off the plane.

"Put me down." I demanded quietly. He smiled. "No."

I crossed my arms across my chest and scowled at him. He started to laugh.

"Justin Drew Bieber, Put me down NOW!!!!!"

He pretended to slowly put me down but then just lifted me back into his arms.

"No. Your not my mom." I rolled my eyes and just kept quiet.

He carried me into the airport and stood there for a minute.

Every few seconds he would look down at me and laugh.

We were waiting on Chaz to arrive, when he tripped on something and dropped me on my butt.

"Ow!!!" It didn't hurt that bad but I wanted to make a scene and see how Justin reacted.

"Holy crap! Sophie, are you okay? I'm soo sorry."

He looked frantic and very guilty. I stood up and kissed him on the cheek. "Your soo gullable."

He scowled at me. I heard him mumble something under his breath that I couldn't quit understand.

"What was that, Justin?" He looked over at me. "Meany!!" I cupped my hand over my ear.

"What?" He sighed. "You. Are. A. Meany."

He practically screamed it and people started to stare. I smiled and then sat down on a bench near the door.

A few minutes later, this man came over to Justin.

"Oh my God!! It's Drake!!" He yelled as soon as Justin saw him. The dude rolled his eyes.

"Umm, no dude. If you haven't noticed, I'm white." I started laughing at their conversation and got strange looks from both of them.

"Ugh!! Racist!! So anyway, can I help you?" Justin looked uncomfortable but continued to talk to this White Drake dude.

"I am not racist!! But anyways, I want an autograph for my daughter."

He pointed in a direction and over to this cute, little, maybe 7 year-old girl.

"Umm, sure. I'd be glad to. What do you want me to sign?"

Justin started staring at the man, noticing he had no paper nor CD in his hands.

"My back. I'm getting it tattooed."

Justin gave a weird look when the man pulled up the back of his grey shirt but went ahead and signed. He shook his hand furiously and then ran off.

Justin walked over and sat beside of me. "I'm not soo sure that autograph was for his kid."

I nodded in agreement as I saw Chaz's car oull into the parking lot.

Justin grabbed my hand and he got into the front seat, and me in the back of the car.

"Yo, Chaz, mind if me and Sophie run by the mall? We have no clothes."

Chaz nodded and took a deep u-turn. In a few seconds, he was parking.

We got out and I reached over for Justin's hand but before I could grab it, Chaz ran infront of me and took it.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Justin yelled, pulling his hand away and walking over towards me.

"Teasing Sophie." He smiled at Justin but just winked at me.

Justin pretended to laugh but then it faded to a weirded-out groan.

He put his arm around my shoulder and we continued to walk. We walked into the door and over to get a basket.

"Dude, if you want a girl, you gotta find one. You can't have mine."

Justin said, looking down at me and squeezed my shoulder gently.

"I'm sorry man. But I can't find a girl." He looked serious but Justin just laughed.

"I'm going to head over to Victoria's Secret for a little bit." I said, expecting the weird looks that I got.

"Well, I need und...." Justin just glared at me with a please-don't-go-on look but Chaz had his fingers in his ears humming.

I laughed and kissed Justin on the cheek before walking off.

I walked into the bathroom and got out my cell phone. Looking through my contacts,

I hit call when I got to Alyssa's number. "Hello?"

I smiled when I heard her voice on the other line.

"Hey, chicka. You have to fly out here. There's someone you have to meet."

Somebody to love ( a justin bieber love story) COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now