Part 31 =)

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I woke up to the smell of cinnamon and coffee. I turned around to wake Justin but he was already gone. I sighed and went downstairs. As I decended the stairs, I heard laughter from the kitchen. I walked in to see it, as well as Justin and Halee, covered with flour and what looked to be cracked eggs.
"What happened?" I asked. Justin gave a nerveous laugh and then sighed. "We were supposed to be making breakfast for you, but it turned into a food fight." Halee stood there smiling uncomfortabily. "Just clean it up." I grabbed a cinnamon bun and walked back upstairs. I changed into that outfit over there-----> and went outside. I slid in the car and drove to Alyssa's.

~~*~~Justin's POV~~*~~
 I watched Sophie walk out of the kitchen. I couldn't tell if she was mad or just upseat about the mess. I grabbed a mop and handed Halee a washcloth. She sighed and started washing the counters. "How mad do you think she was?" I asked, mopping up the eggs off the floor. "Pretty ticked. I could tell." She sighed. "Justin, this was a bad idea. Sophie probably thinks we like each other." I looked down at the floor. "Well, she's just a little upset right now. I'll talk to her later." She nodded and we kept cleaning.

~~*~~Sophie's POV~~*~~
 I drove to Alyssa's and explained to her what I had planned. She liked my idea and we drove to the mall together. I gave her my list of things and we split up to different sides of the mall. Incase your confused, I have figured out what to get Justin. It's perfect! Foolproof if you ask me!! I ran into store after store, trying to find the items I needed. I finally met up with Alyssa about an hour later. We started putting different items into different sized boxes. And the boxes inside each other. Our final product was a giant blue box. It was about the size of a medium-sized doghouse. Alyssa and I both had to carry it out to the car. We drove back to my house, opened the back door, and attempted to carry the ginormous box up the stairs. I heard Justin and Halee still in the kitchen. So it wasn't hard to hide it from them. I laid the box out on the balcony. I had everything planned out for tonight. It was like 1:45 now, so I had plenty of time to get ready. I ran downstairs and started helping Justin and Halee clean. Alyssa escaped through the back door and my plan was set. "Where did you go?" Justin asked. "Nowhere." I was trying to scrub the dried egg and flour mixture off the refrigerator. "Ok, sure. And you think I believe you?" Every step he would make, a small amount of flour would fall from his clothes, back onto the floor. "I should go change." I ran infront of the door frame. "No." He gave me a weird look. "Umm, I mean..let me go find you something to wear." The expression on his face didn't change but he nodded. "Umm, Ok." I ran upstairs and over to our dresser. I grabbed a pair of grey skinny jeans and a purple t-shirt. I hurried back to the kitchen, to find it spotless and perfect again. I handed Justin his clothes and he went to shower. "What is up, Soph?" Halee asked still coated with flour. "I found Justin the perfect gift and I don't want him to know about it until tonight." She started walking up the stairs. "Oh cool. Can I borrow some clothes?" I nodded. "Sure." We both went into the bedroom and I handed her jeans and a tank top. She went to shower in one of the other bathrooms. I went outside to check on Justin's gift. There were birds flying around it. Crap!! I ran over and shooed them away. I grabbed a blanket from the closet and threw it over the box. I didn't wanna be there when Justin opened the present, so I wrote a note, taped it to the bathroom door and drove to Burger King.

~~*~~Justin's POV~~*~~
 After I got out of the shower, I threw my flour covered clothes into the hamper and got dressed. I opened the door and found a note from Sophie. 'I thought I owed you for all the nice things. Go out on the balcony. Love you!! -Sophie.' I pulled the note off the door and walked upstairs. I opened the glass doors in our room and walked outside. At first, I wasn't sure what I was looking for, but then I saw this giant cube that was covered with my blanket. I threw the blanket off, to see a giant blue box. I removed the lid and found a small key attached to a note. I unfolded the note and read. 'The key to my heart. Something you owned the moment I met you.' I set that box aside and found another, larger box underneath. I opened that one to find a small plastic bird, along with another note. I didn't even have to read the note to realize what this was about. But I unfolded it anyway. 'Caccaww!! The time you helped me get over a loss by almost scaring the pee out of me.' I laughed a little as I opened the next box. Of course another note but in this box, our wedding picture. And the note read, 'A memory that I will never forget and one I can't wait to relive.' I looked over to see the same picture in a silver frame beside our bed. As I pulled the box away, I was finally down to the last box. I pulled the note out first. 'Now down to a gift that you'll actually like. I love you!'
I reached down inside the box and pulled out an xbox. But not just an ordinary xbox. It was purple. Holy crap!!! A purple xbox!! I pulled out my cell phone and called Sophie. "Hello?" I couldn't help but laugh. "Get home now!!" I heard the sly expression in her voice. "And why would I do that?" I smiled. "I wanna try out my new xbox!!"
 Thanks to everyone who sent me ideas for gifts. And a special thanks to SamiPerson for the purple xbox idea. And for claiming to be my biggest fan. I love her for that haha!!!!! I love all of you guys for reading, commenting, and/or voting. Keep it up!!! Part 32 soon!!!  
:DShawtyManeLover3194:D a.k.a. ~Alice

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