Part 45

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I looked up at Justin who was rubbing his hand. I think I broke it. "Where are they?" i asked, quickly sitting up in the bed.

He motioned towards the side of the room. When I looked over, I saw crowds of nurses running in different directions with 2 blankets in their arms.

I listened closely to only hear one cry. I immediately start to panic. "Justin, there's 2 babies. Where's the other cry?" I asked, shaking.

He let out a sigh. "One of the babies is...umm, sick?" he said, more of a question. "What? What do you mean sick? Which one?" I babbled, feeling my heart stop.

"Meghan." he said, not answering the rest of my questions. Just then I saw a nurse walk by, clipboard in hand.

I sighed and tapped her arm anxiously. "How are my babies? Are they..okay?" I asked frantic. "Well, the boy, or baby A, is doing just fine. He was a healthy 6 pund 8 ounce buy." she smiled.

"And the girl? What about Meghan?" I asked. "Well, she has a rare form of pneumonia." she sighed. "But, she's gonna be okay, right?" Justin asked, moving his hand back into mine.

She nodded. "Yes but we'll need to keep her here for observation for atleast a week." she said, walking away again.

"I'm staying with her." I told Justin. "I am too. We can watch Evan here." he said, rubbing the top of my hand. I nodded slowly.

~~*~~3 hours later~~*~~

Justin walked into my room, holding his hand out. "Wanna see our babies?" he asked, smiling. I automatically jumped up, ignoring the pain in my stomach.

"Please." I smiled, following him into the hallway. He stopped at a window. The nursery. And pointed to one of the little beds.

I looked through the window and in the direction he pointed, bursting into tears. I saw my babies in one of the carriers, huddled together.

(Pic over there--->) "Meghan's on the left. Evan's on the right." Justin smiled, putting an arm around my waist.

"I know. I can tell." I smiled, laying my head on his shoulder. "Aren't they beautiful?" I whispered, tears filling my eyes. "Just like their mommy." he smiled, kissing the top of my head.


Okay, 3 parts in one day!! No more today guys lol Hope you like it!!

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