Part 39 (finally)

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After I pushed Alyssa and Chaz, who were demanding details, I was standing there in Justins old T-shirt exhausted. I looked up at him and saw that he had a sly smile on his lips. He motioned with one finger to come over to him. I gave a nervous laugh, knowing what he probably wanted to do.

"Dont you think its been enough?" I laughed looking at his smug, yet sexy expression.

"Its never enough with you." He winked and my cheeks warmed.

"Well we have errands to run." I shrugged and his lips slipped into a pout.

"Pretty please Sophie?" he pouted. "Sorry baby. I'm too tired." I grinned, waking over to the bathroom. Standing infront of the mirror I couldnt help but feel different. Changed somehow. Suddenly my stomach felt unconfertable. Like last nights dinner wasnt agreeing with me. I shrugged it off as a tummy ache and hopped in the shower.

I washed my hair and jumped out, grabbing fading jeans and one of Justin's hoodies. "Get dressed." I scowled, finished up my hair. He groaned and rolled out of bed unwillingly.

I walked into the livingroom while Justin got dressed only to be stared at by both Alyssa and Chaz. "What?" I asked trying to sound nonchalante but my burning cheeks gave it away.

"What do you mean 'What'?" Chaz asked eyes wide and mouth hanging wide open. "You know verry darn well What." Alyssa said giving me a sly smile and a wink.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said putting the brush down and walking to the fridge in an attempt to hide my burning cheeks.

"Okay Okay we get it, We get it. Its YOURE life but you know you'll tell me sooner or later." Alyssa shugged.

"Justin will crack. Dont worry bout it." Chaz winked and I glared at them. Dont they Understand that its none of they're buisness?

"Morning guys!" Justin smiled brightly walking in and when Alyssa and Chaz gave him sly grins he sighed. "Oh geez."

"Soooo..How was you're guy's mornin." Chaz winked and Justin smacked him.

"It dosnt concern you." Justin glared and i gave an approuving nod. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist.

He smiled and kissed me lightly. Chaz and Alyssa both made faces but stayed quiet. "Doesn't concern me huh? I thought we were friends, JB?" Chaz scowled, looking offended. Justin chuckled and sat down in the armchairm pulling me to his lap.

"We are but I don't go around asking you and Alyssa what ya'll do everyday." he chuckled. Chaz rolled his eyes and Alyssa blushed. "Point taken." Chaz chuckled, looking over at us.

"Sophie we WILL talk later." Alyssa said giving me a 'Look.' I nodded blushing up at Justin who just gave me a kiss ontop of the head. Suddenly his phone rang and everyone jumped not expecting it.

"Hello?" He answered his grip never leaving my waist. "Oh hey scoot!" He smiled and I leaned my head on his shoulder while I wait."Right now?" Justin asked making a face and looking down at me apologeticly. I knew what was coming. "Yea i know, Career first." He said glumly. Shouldnt his wife be more important? "I'll be there. Give me five minuts." He said and shut the phone. "Im sorry Sophie."

"Yea Yea. I know. Its you're job. You love me." I shrugged making it look like i didnt care but i really did. I could feel the darkness of depression risking to crawl back. Usually Justin kept it away but he wasnt going to be here.

"I DO love you. I'll be gone an hour max! And when Im done I'll come RIGHT back." He promised pressing his forehead to mine. "I love you too." I sighed giving him a small smile. I could never stayed upset at him. No matter how afraid I was of my depression I couldnt let that get in the way of his career. I Wouldnt let it get in the way. He's already given too much up for me.

"Bye babe." He smiled pressing his warm lips back to mine. Again Chaz and Alyssa made a face but I ignored them.

"Bye." I smiled and watched him as he walked out the door. My shoulders slumped and my mouth slipped into a pout but I was slightly conforted by Alyssa's arm around me.

"Wanna hang out today?" She smiled down at me and I nodded. She looked over at Chaz and smiled. "Sorry gotta hang wit Sophe. Tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yea Yea Okay. Wouldnt want to crash your lil girl day." He shrugged and wrapped Alyssa in a bear hug.

~~~About an hour later~~~

We were standing infron of Dairy queen holding our chocolate dipped cones. I have to amitt i felt a little better but the dark feeling was still there. "You know what we have to do now right?" She asked unlocking the car.

"Uhhhh Home?" I asked hopefully. Thats all I wanted to do. Go home and hide under the covers and wait for Justin.

"Nope. Get a pregnancy test. Duh." She said rolling her eyes and my cheeks warmed.

"Im not buying it though." I said embarassed. What of someone sees me? Justin would be furious.

"Fine. I will. But you owe me." Alyssa warned.

I smiled contently and climbed into the passenger seat. The whole time Alyssa was chatting I was only half paying attention. I was trying to keep my mood up. I was failing miseribly. By the time we got there I felt like crying for no appearant reason.

"Be Right Baaack!" Alyssa sang and and ran inside.

I waited in the car for her until she came back.

"NOW we go home!" She giggled and we drove away.

I wasnt feeling too good but I put on a act for Alyssa. We were both waiting for the results.

"You want me to look or you?" She asked.

"You Please.." I said nervously

She peered over and a smile sretched on her face.

"No Preggo!" She smiled and i sighed releived.

"Now..... DETAILS!" She cried throwing the test in the trsh can.

So i started telling her about my magical night.

Somebody to love ( a justin bieber love story) COMPLETE!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang