Part 21 <3 The wedding <3

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Yay! Today's the big day. I'm in Justin's room with Alyssa and Pattie. They helped me into my dress and now Pattie's doing my hair and Alyssa's doing my makeup. My heart is racing but, I have no regrets. I'm not one of those 'I don't think I can do this' kind of girls. I'm just soo nerveous. Do I regret not inviting my mom? Heck no. We have Pattie, Jeremy, Alyssa, Chaz, and Ryan there to support us. My parents wouldn't support anything I chose to do. "Sophie, five minutes." I hear Chaz say from behind the door. "Ok. I'll be down soon." I heard him back away from the door and the echo of his footsteps down the stairs. "Ok, all done." I hear Pattie say backing away from me.

I looked into the mirror. "Oh my God!" There's no way that's me. I smiled and looked over at Pattie and Alyssa. The bride's maid's dresses Pattie chose were just beautiful. They were a light shade of lavender with a white belt across the middle, and they came just below their knees. "I ran over and hugged them both. "Thank you guys." They smiled and handed me my bouquet. "It's time, Soph." I hear Jeremy at the door. I open it and see him standing there with his black suit and purple satin tie. He held out his arm and I took it. We walked down the stairs very slowly, trying not to fall over my dress. We got to the back door just in time to watch little Jazzy throwing purple pedals down as she walked the aisle. "Aww." I look over at Jeremy. He was smiling. I hear the music start up. Dun dun dun dun. Jeremy opens the door and I look ahead of me. I see Pattie and Alyssa already standing up front to the left, Chaz and Ryan to the right, then I see Justin. He had a huge smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. I felt the tears well up in my own eyes as we headed down the aisle.

No tears! No tears! I was going to mess up my makeup. We finally reached the end of the aisle and Jeremy released my arm and Justin took both of my hands. Soo much for my no crying idea! As soon as I looked into his deep brown eyes, I felt tears fall down my face. I heard him laugh a little and then smile. We then turned to hear the preacher start. "We are gathered her today, to unite this man and this woman in holy matromony <--(Dont know if I spelled that right). If anyone has a reason that these two should no be wed, speak now or forever hold you'r peace." Just then I hear the back doors rattle and Tiffany running out the door. "Stop! Stop!" My mouth dropped. What the heck was she doing? "Don't start without me." She was out of breathe but just smiled and sat down. Oh my God! She scared me. I look back over at Justin who rolled his eyes and gave my hands a tight squeeze.The preacher continued. "It is to my understanding that they have written their own vowels. So Mr.Bieber, if you would like to start." Justin let my hands fall. He reached into his tux pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He unfolded it and began reading. "Sophie. I'm not really good with expressing my feelings but you know how I feel about you. We haven't been together long, but the second we became a couple, I knew you were the girl I wanted to marry."

I felt the tears keep falling down my face. I had to catch them so I didn't stain my dress with little black tears. "There's not really much else I can say, really. Except, I'll never let you go." He winked at me. Just then, the preacher man nodded and gestured for me to go. I hadn't written anything. I knew what I wanted to say. "Justin, I fell in love with you before we ever met. But I never loved you as much as I do right now." I had more planned but I choked on my tears. I'm guessing they thought I was finished. "Justin, please present the rings." He reached into a different pocket and pulled out a small box. Inside were two rings. His gold, mine silver. He handed me the gold ring and we continued to listen. Looking over at Justin, he continued. "Please take Sophie's hand and repeat after me." I held out my manicured left hand and Justin held it. "With this ring, I the wed." Justin repeated the words and slid the ring on top of my engagement ring. I repeated the words and placed his ring on his left ring finger. "I now pronouce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Justin smiled and then he grabbed my waist. I felt him lift me into the air and then our lips met. And then I hear everyone cheer and clap.

Tears were still flooding my eyes but I smiled. Justin put me down and we walked back down the aisle, into the house. He kissed me again and I ran upstairs to change into another dress I had picked out for my reception. It was silver with dark purple accents. I neatly laid my wedding dress on the bed and I pulled on my black heels and walked back downstairs. I walked out to the backyard and grabbed my bouquet. All the women gathered in a big crowd around the ceremony sight. I threw the purple roses up in the air and they landed in Pattie's arms. Justin looked at me weird. "Isn't it enough that I'm married now? I sure as heck don't need a step-dad." He laughed and then took my hand. We walked further into the backyard onto a small dancefloor that was set up. Of course, Justin and I had to have our first dance. So we walked to the middle of the floor. He grabbed my waist and my hands wrapped around his neck. I had a little practice at dancing the other night. So I was a little better but not much. I laid my head on Justin's shoulder and he started kissing my neck. I couldn't help but laugh nerveously. We swayed back and forth on the small platform awkwardly for a few minutes until finally the song was over.

Ohh's and aww's from the people around us made the dancing worse. Pattie was snapping pictures left and right. Just then another song came on. "Teach me how to dougie. Teach me, Teach me how to dougie!" Justin started dancing immediately but even though I knew how to dougie (I really do), I was in a dress. So no douging for me. =(  I just stood there, watching Justin, Chaz, and Ryan dance, while I was laughing most of the time. After that song finished, I remembered Justin's wedding present. "Hey, I got you something." He looked surprised. "You didn't have to do that." I smiled. "Oh yes I did." I grabbed his hand and we walked around to the front yard where his brand new Range Rover was waiting. "Oh my God! My car!" It wasn't HIS car but it was identical to his. I laughed as he kissed me and ran over to the car. Chaz and Ryan came around to us. "Holy....This is sick man!!" They all hopped in the car. God, they act like they've never seen one before. Justin finally got out and came back over to me.

"Thank you baby." I smiled. "You deserve it." He snapped his fingers. "I got you something too." I rolled my eyes as he grabbed my hand and literally ran back to the reception area. He pulled another small box out of another pocket. How many pockets do tuxes have?" He threw it in my direction and I opened it. Inside were 2 tickets to a Bahamas bech resort. I started crying agiain. "No. Don't cry. Please. If you don't like them I can always...." I jumped up and kissed him. "Shut up, Justin." He laughed. "We leave tomorrow?" Yay!! I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to my house next door. I grabbed the spare key taped underneath the bench and went inside. We ran up to my room and he sat down on my bed. I grabbed my suitcases and started packing. I grabbed all my shorts, every tank top in my drawer, and anything else beachy I could find. I found 2 different bikinis. One purple and black, the same one I wore to Justin's birthday party. And the other was red with white polka dots. I held both of them up. "Which one?" He smiled and thought for a second. "Both!" I nodded and shoved them into the suitcase. Before leaving, I wrote my mom a note and laid it on the coffee table in the livingroom. 'Mom, Justin and I are going on our honeymoon. I will be back, but only to get my things and then I promise to never bother you again. I don't think I can forgive you for what you said about him. Goodbye, Dad. Bye, Melonie. Love you both.     Sincerely, Sophie Bieber!!'


Sorry guys. I know it's short. I wanted to keep the wedding in one part. The honeymoon will be next =) Oh and everyone who reads this, plzz go read Speak Now and I can't trust you by JBieber4ever. If she quits writing, So will I. Plzz Plzz. She needs more reads..K thanks,,,,Comment or Vote!!!!!

Somebody to love ( a justin bieber love story) COMPLETE!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora