Part 14 =)

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I hung up the phone and ran to find Pattie. Tears were already falling down my face. "Pattie. Pattie. Something's wrong." I was gasping for air through my words. "Sophie, what is it?" She now looked scared too. "I was talking to Justin and then the screams, the sounds..." I couldn't even talk straight. "Sophie. Calm. Down." I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. "I think Justin wrecked." My voice was still shaky but I managed to somehow force out the words. "When? Where?" She was also very scared that Justin may be hurt or....maybe worse. "Just a second ago. And I don't know where he was. He said he was going to stay with Ryan tonight and that's all he could say before....." She grabbed my cell phone from my hands and dialed 911. I sat and listened to her describe the situation. "The police are going to find them." I just sat there with my head in my hands crying. Pattie was crying too but she started pacing around the room.

~~~~~3 hours later~~~~~
Pattie and I sat in the kitchen that way for several hours. But we were knocked out of our daze when the phone rang. She handed it to me. "Hello?" It was the police. "We found the boys." I breathed a sigh of relief. He gave me the address of where the car was. I wrote it down and handed the paper to Pattie. "Thank you officer." And with that, we left to find them.  We drove in silence. The whole time we both prayed for their safety. The crash site was only about 10 miles away from the house and right across the street from McDonalds. We saw the beat up range rover in a ditch on the other side of the road. Justin was on a stretcher being carried by 2 muscular men. His leg was laid on some type of platform. Pattie and I ran over to him. "Oh my God. Are you okay?" Pattie had a very mom-made look on her face but I could feel the tears flowing from my eyes still. "Yeah mom, I'm fine but my car's not." He nodded his head in the direction of the rang rover. The men put Justin in the ambulance and Pattie and I got in behind him. Justin sat up on the stretcher. He moaned with every stretch he made. "Is he okay?" Pattie turned to one of the EMT's. "He's fine. But his leg is broken. Nothing we can't fix." Pattie sighed with relief. "I'm sorry to scare you like that Sophie." Justin patted the space beside of him. I stood up and sat on the other end of the stretcher. "I thought you were dead. Don't ever do that to me again." He laughed and said "I wont." I couldn't get too close to him because I would move his leg. I didn't want to hurt him anymore. "I'm just glad you'r okay." I said stroking the back of his neck."How are Chaz and Ryan?" He rolled his eyes but then smiled. "Luckily they got out without a scratch. The police drove them home a few minutes ago." I myself wasn't smiling. "That's not fair." He laughed as he saw the angry expression on my face. When we got to the hospital, they told us that only one of us could go in with Justin. I looked over at Pattie. "Go on Sophie. I just needed to know he was okay." They told Justin to lay back down on the stretcher. I stood up and they started to roll him in. Justin grabbed my hand and they rolled him into a blue tiled room where a doctor was standing. The EMTs left the room. Justin let go of my hand and sat up. The doctor came over and examined his leg. With every touch, Justin  hissed with pain. When the doctor said that they would have to rebreak it, Justin's face dropped. Then the doctor flicked on a pair of blue latex gloves. Justin grabbed my hand and held it tight. They doctor grabbed his calf and gave it a hard pull. Justin screamed in pain and he squeezed tighter on my hand. When he opened his eyes, they were full of tears. I rubbed his back and he put his head on my shoulder. Dr.SmithField, which I read off of his name tag, left the room. I didn't say anything to Justin because he was still laying on my shoulder. I continued to rub his back until the doctor returned. He told Justin to lay as he applied the white plaster that was his cast. After about 30 minutes of applying the white goop to Justin's leg, the doctor went to wash his hands and came back with a wheelchair. I helped my wounded boyfriend off the table and into the chair. I started to push him but he grabbed the wheels and started spinning around the room. I followed behind him as he rolled down the hallways. We went outside to find Pattie waiting for us in her car. She helped Justin in the back seat as I folded up the wheelchair and put it in the trunk. I opened the door and slid in beside Justin. He laid his head on my shoulder and held my hand the whole ride to the tourbus. It wasn't hard getting him or the chair onto the bus. Scooter carried Justin in and Pattie grabbed the wheelchair. Scooter dropped Justin down on his bed and the wheelchair was laid beside of the nightstand. I walked in and snuggled up beside of him. I held his cheek and pulled his face to mine. I felt his lips touch mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held his hands on my back. We sat there kissing for like 10 minutes. There was a loud whistle and then some claps. I pulled away to see Chaz and Ryan standing there smiling. Justin and I both grabbed a pillow and threw it at them. They came over and sat down on the bed. "I can see you'r okay Justin." Chaz said laughing. "Of course he is. He's got Sophie to come home to everyday and makeout with anytime he wants." I leaned over and shoved him off the bed. "Hey it's true." He said as he picked himself up. Justin winked at me and then leaned in for another kiss. Chaz started gagging and Ryan was holding his neck coughing. Justin leaned closer and closer. Our lips were centimeters apart. But our lips could not meet because just then, Chaz and Ryan both fell off the bed emerged in fake death. Justin suddenly burst out into laughter, which made me start laughing too. They got back up onto the bed and then Ryan got a witty look on his face. "Should we celebrate Justin's well-being?" Chaz, Justin and I looked at each other and then back at Ryan......."NO!!!!!"

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