Part 12 =)

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~~~~~6 p.m. the next day~~~~~

I saw Scooter pull in to the hotel. So I hurried to the elevator. The black skirt I was wearing, was a little tight which made it hard to walk let alone run. I made it to his car just as he was about to come get me. "You'r late." I looked down at the clock. 6:07. "I'm not that late." He looked at me over the top of his sunglasses and started up the car. He finally put his glasses back on his nose and we drove away. He turned the radio up and we both started singing to every song that came on. "You got designer shades just to hide your face and you wear 'em around like ya cooler than me."  When we arrived at the concert, we were both laughing. "You go find you'r seat and I'll head backstage." I watched Scooter walk around to the back of the building and I walked in the front door and handed the voucher my ticket. I found my seat in the very front row and sat down. There was a person on either side of me. One was a young woman who looked to be in her early twenties and the other was a like 12 year old girl. I sat there playing with my phone until I hear loud cheering. I saw Usher come up on stage. "How's everyone doin' tonight?" Another ear splitting cheer. "Well I know you'r all here for me but I have a friend who will be performing. Give it up for Juuussssstttiiiinnnnn Biiiieeeebbbeeeeerrrrr!!!!!!" Yet another loud cheer and a couple whistles as Justin walkes up on stage wearing a purple top, grey skinny jeans, and purple supras. "Ok ok. Before I sing for you tonight, I have something to say." The room was silent. "Sophie? Sophie Harlander? I know you'r here. Would you please come up to the stage?" I sat still not wanting to move. But then, the whole stadium was chanting "Sophie!! Sophie!!" I stood up and started walking up to the stage. The crowd started cheering again.
"Ok guys. This *was* my girlfriend but I made a terrible mistake." I walked closer to Justin and he put his arm around my waist. " Sophie, I truely am sorry." I looked at him. His eyes were hopeful but his voice shaky. I smiled and said "Prove it." He started to say something but he stopped to think for a second. He then laughed to himself, intertwined his fingers with mine, and said "Sophie Ann Harlander, I.." He leaned down and kissed me quickly. "love" Another kiss. "you" And yet another kiss. I was going to play it cool even though my heart was pounding. "Stop." He looked at me shocked. "Stop what?" I rolled my eyes. "Stop kissing me." I could almost hear his heart drop when he asked "Why?"  I smiled and said "Because you'r kissing me like a wimp." He looked at me with a sly scowl. "A wimp huh?"  I nodded. He tightened his grip on my hands and said "Oh, I'll show you a wimp." I looked into his eyes and he looked in mine. "Come here." He then pressed his lips to mine. The kiss seemed to go on forever. "Awwhhhhh". The crowd would oohh and awww every now and then. It was like a movie. Justin then pulled back. We both had to catch our breathe. Then he went backstage somewhere and came back with a stool. He patted the seat and I went over and sat down. The music started and Justin began to sing One Less Lonely Girl. I was biting my bottom lip the whole time. I felt like my heart was going to burst from beating soo hard. "Only you shawty." The song was over and Justin helped me down from the stool. He grabbed my hand and we both bowed. He then gave me a light kiss and we walked backstage. There we saw Scooter sitting in a couch playing xbox. He clapped when he saw Justin and I walk in. I laughed and we plopped down on the couch together. Scooter handed Justin a controller. Scooter was screaming at the game. Justin played but he looked lost in his thoughts. I didn't bother him with questions. I just sat there holding his hand, watching them play Call of Duty.

~~~~~Justin's POV~~~~~
I have Sophie back and I want it to stay that way. I was going to say that Tiffany was the one that kissed me. But she's too good of a friend to rat out. I really love Sophie. I know, what I did tonight seemed really cheesey but she seemed to like it. And now she's back in my arms. =)

~~~~Back to Sophie's POV~~~~~
 Justin and I just sat on that couch for the whole concert. Afterwards, he told Scooter to drive us to BK. This time Justin and I both ordered whoppers. "Hungry?" He looked at me with a mauking look. "Well, Duh. You'd be hungry too if all you had was twix and red bulls." He look a big bite of his burger and said " I'm sorry. We'll go shopping later." I shook my head. "Forget about it. Can I stay with you?" He automatically agreed. As soon as we finished, Scooter took us to my hotel. Justin helped me pack up my stuff and we drove towards Justin's tour bus. When we drove up to the bus, we walked inside, and Justin and I went into his room and sat on the bed. "You promised me that you would explain to me what happened with you'r aunt." I sighed. I didn't want to discuss this but I had promised him. "Well, my mom sent me to my aun't house. I guess to try to help me get over you but Kathy just made everything harder. She kept reminding me of you and kept asking me questions." He looked at me with an understanding look. " Sophie, if it weren't for me, none of this would have happened." I shook my head." Don't say that. If it weren't that heartbreak, we wouldn't be this close." He smiled and then kissed me gently. "You'r such a wimp." He kissed me again. This time longer and more passionately than ever. "I love you." I was still breathless from his kiss so it took me a second to answer back. Finally I was able to say "I love you too."

Part 13 will be set in the present. Sophie and Justin will both be 16. And things will get a little more serious ;). 

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