𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥

804 61 25

When Joe finished his first day of work he called Lucas to give his first check in.

"William Bowery?"

"Yes it's me"

They had to use code names when communicating over the phone in case the police tried to listen into their phone calls.

"How was your first day?"

"It wasn't what I expected at all. I'm working alongside two other guys, they actually care for her. He gave me a lecture like he was her dad and she was bringing me home or something, they're ridiculously protective of her so it's going to be difficult once I start putting things into place."

"I'm sure you can handle it. Have you learned anything that wasn't in the report?"

"Not really, I had an opportunity to talk to her alone while she explained my job and it really just confirmed everything in the report."

"Like what?"

"Well she has very severe anxiety, she told me she's actually been hospitalised twice in the last year after collapsing during an anxiety attack. She takes loads of medications too"

"What about her private life?"

"Micheal told me about her boyfriend, he could end up being a problem. So far he seems like an unknown variable, apparently he's a really shitty boyfriend. The other security guys absolutely despise him and Micheal said he treats her like shit which could be an issue if he becomes aggressive. The last thing I need when I'm trying to make a move on her is to have him throwing punches."

"Are you able to confirm our suspicions about her possibly having some form of eating disorder?"

"It's obvious that her diet is pretty bad. She's clearly underweight and I only saw her eat one salad and two crackers all day but I don't think it's an eating disorder. Honestly she seemed a lot more normal than the report suggested. After our conversation about her anxiety I didn't see so much as a frown from her, she's very talkative and actually seemed really happy. It's clear that she has some problems but I don't think they're anywhere near as bad as it would seem."

"That's good to know."

"I have one question though."

"What would that be William?"

"Why her? Why out of all the celebrities are we trying to scam her. She's nothing like the kind of people we normally go for. She isn't some distant corporate businesswoman, she's unpredictable and fragile. I mean, she wants me to call her Taylor! I've never met a celebrity who asked their employees to use their first name"

"That's a very good question, miss swift is in fact very different to our usual targets. I wanted to pull of something very large scale and we spent months trying to pick out the perfect subject. She may not fit into our usual category of self-centred, egotistical manipulators but she will be easy to control.
She has an unfortunate habit of falling for people quickly, I'm counting on the fact that she will fall for you. This would put you in a situation of immense power over her, we've worked out that she will go to extreme lengths to please people and will often ignore many red flags along the way. She also has secrets and insecurities, we can capitalise on those too."

Joe started to feel overcome by a feeling he hadn't experienced before, Guilt.

"Doesn't this go against our morals. We're ment to be taking money from terrible people, not blackmailing a vulnerable 24 year old woman with insecurities and an anxiety disorder. I can't get her to fall in love with me just to hurt her."

"Mr Bowery. This isn't open for discussion, you know how much money you'll make off this. And don't go falling for her either, your talking about her very affectionately considering you've known her for a day. I've seen this happen before and I won't let it happen again. Keep yourself focused on the target."

"You know i would never be so stupid''

''She's a beautiful girl William.I wouldnt be so quick to assume your immunity to her charm, you wouldn't want to be getting over confident. underestimating your victim is the easiest way to fail.''

''I'll be fine. i'm still not sure how i feel about this though.She's naive.''

''I'm not going to say this again.You've clearly already gained an attachment to this woman, don't forget what you've come here to do, don't forget who she really is. behind all of her first world problems shes still rich, shes still selfish and arrogant. I did you the courtesy of picking someone who wouldnt make every second of your trip hell, don't make me regret it.''

''i wont.''

He hung up and went to sit down by the porch.Part of his job requirements were that he was staying in the pool house which had been converted into a house for the security team so that they could closely monitor the house, there were three bedrooms and one cctv room which was full of monitors showing the cctv footage from every room in her house except her bedroom. She had the ability to turn off the cameras in each room when she wanted privacy but most days you could see almost every room.
right now alex and Michael were on duty, standing by the gates, so he was here alone.

Joe found himself tempted to go into the cctv room. He knew it would be wrong, almost an abuse of the power she had intrusted in him, but he couldnt help himself. He hadn't even been given permission to look in here yet but he decided to be quick.

Just a look. To see if shes ok

He walked down the narrow hallway to a wine coloured door marked with:
private area. authorised personel only
which seemed unnecessary considering the fact that thy were the only ones who could even get into the building.

He opened the door and stepped inside.
being a private system, the footage was of a much higher quatity than typical cctv. She was sitting at the kitchen table finishing her dinner.
Oh my god im such a creep. I'm literally watching her, no techincally this is part of both of my jobs. im making sure shes safe and im gathering intel.
She had eaten a small bowl of pasta and went to put the leftovers in the fridge.

She sat down on the sofa and called someone on her phone. It was silent so he couldnt tell what she ssaid until he found a button in the corner. He pressed it and insantly her voice filled the room.

She's making this way to easy for me. its like she wants to be listened to

He listend as much as he could to what she was saying.

'' hey babe....... im good how are you?....... no i stayed home........pasta........thats all i had though......well i had a salad for lunch.......i know, i know''

So her boyfriend is trying to get her to eat more? maybe she does have an eating disorder.

''No i havent seen her......oh..... i havent spoken to him in ages.......why would you say that?....i know what your trying to do........ im gonna stop you there... i have never and will never cheat on you....i dont have feelings for anyone else.........its fine.... i know you didnt mean it....... i love you too.... i sent you some cookies.... i just missed you and i want you to know im thinking about you...... of course i made them myself..... uhh why?......yeah i sent them to your house.....whys that a problem?....... where would you have wanted me to send them...... i was just trrying to do something nice.....no i dont think theyve arrived yet.......why would it be a problem if cookies from me arrive?....... of course that say theyre from me..... im sorry if ive done something wrong but i still dont understand..... babe?...... hello?..... i love you''

He must've hung up on her becuase she mumbled the last part and was looking dejected. Joe didnt want to push his luck so he decided it was time to leave. He left the room and closed the door behind him.


Hint: just because Joe thinks something doesn't mean it's true, especially if it says "it seemed like" or "Joe thought that". The first few chapters are from his perspective and he is going to make some mistakes so watch out for something that seems wrong💜

𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒐𝒙𝒆𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now