The News

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I spent my whole weekend writing and editing this so please leave some of your thoughts and feedback, you guys blow me away with how much love you've shown this story so thank you so so much and I'm looking forward to reading ur comments again!

Also: 3,000 words again!!!! Yay we'll done meeeee.


Joe felt himself unable to think properly, the weight of her words finally pressing down on him. Taylor was pregnant. They were going to be parents.
But this was hardly a good time. They were on the run and would soon be completely isolated with no access to medical care.

"I-.. I.. I'm not sure what to say Taylor." He pulled to the side of the road and held his face in his hands, it was such incredible news but it really couldn't have come at a worse time.

"Are you mad? I know we should've been more careful but i just can't-" She looked over at him, a clear expression of panic in her eyes.

"Mad?! No no of course not, this is-.... It's just."
He struggled to find the right words.

"I'm so so sorry. I-.. I don't want to make you feel like I'm trapping you here, I mean it's already so incredible of you to stick by me through all this. There's no r..r reason for you to have uprooted your entire life to run away with me. You've pu.. put up with all my drama and issues and-"

Taylor found herself stumbling over her words, suddenly so aware of the possibility of Joe not actually wanting a child with her. Her insecurities overwhelming her.

Of course Joe wouldn't want a child with her, she's a mess, there are women who are far more attractive and simple and just-.. There are so many women who are better than her in every way. And even if he did want to be with her he might not want children, and he probably isn't ready to have them now anyway. She's burdening him with all this, she feels selfish. It would've been better for everyone if she had run; Joe wouldn't be putting himself in danger over her issues, she wouldn't be tying him down to her like this.

"Tay! Babe please calm down. This is-.. It's incredible. I'm so excited to be starting a family with you. I'm just scared. How are we supposed to keep you safe? We will be tens of miles away from any other people, no hospital, no one to look after you if you get sick, and how are we supposed to look after the baby? We only have $3,000 for god knows how long, no baby clothes, i mean how to we keep them warm?!" They wouldn't be able to use their credit cards because those can be easily tracked and so Joe only had the cash which he had stashed away a few days beforehand.

Taylor kissed Joe's forehead, trying to break him from his spiralling thoughts.

"Babe, as long as you want me and you want this baby, we will work everything out. It's going to be okay."

He leaned over the seat and hugged Taylor, pulling her in close and breathing in her smell for comfort.

"I'm scared tay." Joe found himself whispering.

"Me too."

He realised that they had been pulled to the side of the highway for a while now and that it would be best if they kept moving as there was a lot of ground to cover.

He rested one hand on Taylor's thigh, stroking slowly, more in an effort to comfort himself than for her.


"Do you think my parents have found out yet?"
Taylor found herself questioning after another half an hour of comfortable silence.

𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒐𝒙𝒆𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now