The threat

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Wow guys I'm so sorry this took me so long. Life is so so hectic but I'd really really appreciate it if you could show this chapter some love, I need it 😅.

So yeah please please leave ur thoughts about this chapter in the comments and I hope this makes you feels things. That's my main goal with all this. I really want you to feel things.

Taylor sat alone up on the roof of her Rhode Island home staring out at the sea.

Her mother had suggested she spend some time here away from the cameras, claiming that she was worried that taylor was overwhelmed with everything and that she was overworked and so a " holiday" would be nice.
Taylor however knew better than to believe her. she knew everyone thought she had gone mad, that she needed psychiatric help, they thought that taylor would soon cause  a PR nightmare when  TMZ caught wind of her current situation.

The constant lapping and tugging of the waves as they glazed the pebbled beach, the murky grey water that stretched across the horizon meeting the sky tumultuously with a scattering of clouds.
It calmed Taylor.
It calmed her to know she wasn't the only one who seemed to never rest, to be so completely stuck in a never ending cycle.
The waves understood her in a way no one else could and now, as she braved the January winds to breathe with the sea she found herself more at home than she had been in such a long time.

Not Joe, nor her mother, nor Austin or karlie could touch her in this way.
No words could encompass this all-freeing feeling. The secrets she could share with the wind, knowing whole-heartedly that they would carry her truths along their path, that the words she shared would die along with her.

Time didn't exist when she felt like this. A second or an hour, it didn't matter.
She lived as one consecutive chain of thoughts and feelings, freely flowing through.
Memories appeared and disappeared periodically, triggered by the winds' whistles or the smell of burning wood that rose from the chimney.

She felt so sorry for her parents. For how hard they were trying and how little they knew, she wondered at what point her mother went from her closest confidant to a desperate outsider.
She felt guilt for that, for pushing her loved ones away and rejecting their love.
Her father barely knew her anymore, she is a stranger in the shape of his beloved daughter.
His girl who would never lie to him like this.

Taylor mourned the version of herself she used to be.
Before all these issues piled on top of eachother. The world envied her Taylor Swift she was beautiful, put together, sharp minded, witty, funny, kind and generous.

Maybe they still do envy her, in their blind desire for fame and money. But if anyone cared to open their eyes and see her world. Suffocating, bleak, mournful, fear. It wasn't glamorous in the slightest.

No pair of shiny new heels or dragon girl lips could mask the pain that danced across her face every time she made eye contact with you. That's why she was taking time away from the public eye.

She was broken, just a little cracked, just enough to warrant a little rest.

Or maybe she had gone completely and absolutely insane, she didn't eat, never slept, heard footsteps in the night, saw people in the dark, hear voices in her sleep, her mind worked in endless loops of anxiety, dread.

when's the next hurdle? the next fall? The next disaster? When will Joe give up on her? When will Austin run out of patience? When will the next stalker break in? When will they try to kill me again?


The winds calmed and she could breath again, hear her heart thumping again, feel the cold biting at her fingertips again.

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