The flight

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I'm so sorry this took me so lond to update but it's just been insane recently. starting tomorrow i have two exams a day all week and i havent revised anything so im fucked and also exauhsted from the last two weeks of exams but anyways.

please please leave your thoughts int the comments and wish me luck for my examsss

sorry once again for how shitty this chapter is but im so so tired i honestly dont know how i wven got this up.


It seemed like only ten minutes had passed when Joe's alarm went off in the morning. That had been the best night's sleep either of them had had in months, even if the springs had been poking out of the mattress and into Taylor's back all night. 

“Honey, you need to wake up. We need to leave soon if we want to get to the airfield in time.”

Joe brushed the hair out of his girlfriend's face, trying to wake her softly.

“Hmmmm? No, no, I wanna sleep. Mmmmnnn”

She rolled over, burying her face into the bedsheets and pulling the duvet over her face.

“No, you really have to get up now. I woke up half an hour to pack the car back up but I thought you could do with the extra rest.”

“Where are we going again?”

Taylor grumbled into the pillow again. Her bed hair splayed out over the pillows.

“Iceland.” Joe leaned down to brush the hair out of her face and kiss her cheek.

“What?! Why? Meredith hates the cold…………….. oh … yeah. I remember now.”

She sat up in bed, surveying her surroundings. 

“God, that's the best night's sleep I’ve ever had.”

She hopped out of bed, tip-toeing over to the cat carriers to let them walk around a bit before they got back on the road.

“I am so so so sorry guys. I know you've been stuck in the car for the last few days but it was either on the road with us or stuck in a house with a man who tried to kill your mom.”

Meredith once again jumped into her lap while Olivia, the dumber of the pair, just plodded past.

“You think Olivia is gonna ever work it out?” Taylor turned to face joe. Holding mere against her chest.

“I’m not sure to be honest. She isn't the brightest.”

“Huh. Mom got fat.” Taylor micmicked her in a stupid sounding voice.

Joe turned to give Taylor a pointed look. He hated it when she talked about herself like that.

“I’m kidding.”

“No you aren’t.” 

“I’m gonna be so fucking fat joe. You’re gonna think im ugly and leave me for a hot model and I'm gonna be stuck alone in some cabin in Iceland with a baby and a bunch of polar bears.”

She held her hands up to her face and started to cry.

Joe tried desperately to hold back laughter while reassuring he wasnt going to leave her in iceland.

This was the first pregnancy hormone induced meltdown that he had had to deal with.

“Look baby, I love you and you are beautiful to me no matter what. I would love you whether you were an ugly little worm or a vampire or a slug. I really don't care. But fortunately you are the most beautiful woman on the planet. And for the record, I can't wait to see my beautiful wife showing a beautiful bump where she is carrying our beautiful baby.”

𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒐𝒙𝒆𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now