𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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With a heavy emptiness in her chest Taylor arrived back home a few hours later.
By now it was past midnight so she expected to get home to find Adam asleep in bed however that would not be the case.

The first odd thing she noticed was the look that Micheal gave her as she approached her doorstep, he didn't know it was Aurora's birthday so his sympathy must be a result of something else.

The second thing was that all the lights of her house seemed to be switched on, normally after Adam went to bed only the hallways would remain lit.

The third sign would be the suitcase by the front door.
"Oh my god. He's leaving me."

When she looked up she made eye contact with Adam who was holding his toothbrush, laptop and some of the vinyl records he had bought her for Christmas.

"I barely have a choice tay. How could you expect me to stay with you knowing you had another mans child?"
He looked at her as if what he was saying was completely reasonable.

"Why should that matter at all? It's not like I'm still with him or like I've been hiding a child away from you. That was trauma I never recovered from, and how can you blame me for not telling you when this is your reaction?"

He scoffed.
"A relationship requires trust. You know I want children. How could I trust you to carry our children knowing you've killed a baby before?"

Adam waited for her to snap back at him aggressively but he ended up wishing she had.

There was just silence.

"You don't mean that. I just know I'm imagining this whole thing."
Her breathing became increasingly ragged and shallow and adam could see what was coming and he didn't want to be around when it did.

"Look there you go again! You don't get your way so you throw a stupid tantrum hoping that I'll run over and help precious baby Taylor. No, get a grip. You're hardly what you pretend to be, hardly a good little Christian girl if you're getting yourself accidentally pregnant when you're barely an adult."

"D...don't you-... dare br..bring my religion in..into t..this"
As her lungs tightened she crumpled into a heap on the floor.

"Fuck you. Fuck toy and all your prissy fucking problems. Go see a psychiatrist Bitch."

She does have a psychiatrist. That was a stupid insult.

The biggest problem with Taylor's anxiety had always been her extreme physical symptoms. Her heart rate skyrocketed, her lungs would constrict and she became so dizzy it was hard to walk. The combination of these symptoms left her practically catatonic.

Yet he had just left. He didn't even bother to get her some medication. She knew that the nearest member of her security team would be Joe who was supposed to be staying under her bedroom window, that meant her must have heard everything.

She crawled across her carpeted floor and pulled her body up onto the window still.

"J...Joe. Help"
The sounds of her strangled breathing and mumbling his name managed to catch Joe's attention.

He looked up at the window and panicked when his eyes met a poor imitations his boss. A woman who was always so put together, with her perfect hair and stylish clothes and her beautiful red lipstick.
There were tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes were alike to someone who had just experienced a bitter heartbreak.

"Taylor?! Are you okay?"

"Joe. Please. I- I need the..... Xanax"

He had thought this whole anxiety thing was more of an unnecessary precaution after she had been fine for the last 8 months. Well at least he thought she was fine.

Now he was completely unprepared. Bearing in mind he has absolutely no medical training which was a requirement to join her security team.

"Um uh I... god I'm sorry... give me a minute"

He ran over to Micheal and within moments they were in her room. It was pretty jarring to see a woman he respected and cared for so much in that state. No wonder she had been embarrassed about it when they met.

Micheal had given her the appropriate medication and put her in the recovery position to open her airways.

"Taylor what the hell happened?! Where the hell did Adam go?! I'm going to kill that bastard."

She shook her head erratically.

"Okay I'm sorry i shouldn't have said that. Just focus on breathing."

It took a little while but eventually she had calmed down significantly.

"God this is just about the worst day ever. I'm so sorry you had to see me like that."

"On the bright side I don't think he's ever coming back."

Micheal told Joe to return to his post which now would be the steps outside her front door.

He stared ahead, seemingly deep in thought as Taylor decided to join him on the front step. She needed to open up to someone who she knew would respect her.

"I'm sure you're wondering what that argument was about."

"Well it did cross my mind."
She looked over at him but he kept his eyes focused straight ahead.

"I had a baby. A beautiful little girl, but she died before I ever got to know her. That was the most painful thing that's ever happened to me. I finally told him and what did he do? He left me. Again."

"I can't imagine how hard that must've been for you tay."

She looked over at him and for the first time their eyes met.

He's gorgeous

She's gorgeous

She was the one to lean in and initiate it.

They finally kissed.

It was slow and sensitive, intimate.

When he pulled back they both wore the biggest smiles.
She leaned on him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I've been waiting to do that for so long Joe."

"Me too."

"You're perfect tay."

lol I wrote this on my way to school.
I'm not gonna play cat and mouse now, this is it for them.
Are you guys happy? They're together!!

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