𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧

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This is my fith week of working as a security guard. I have to say that this is easily the most fun I've ever had on a job, all I do is follow a pretty girl around to all these fancy places and she pays for EVERYTHING. I get to eat at all these fancy resurants and stand by a gate eating cookies she made, im not sure if she is intentionly making so many cookies that she can give a box to evryone withing ten miles of her house or if she has a baking addiction but eitherway i love it.
I'm the first person to admit when im wrong and I think this is definitly one of those times. I came into this job expecting a few possible outcomes, my first guess was that she would be a total bitch and I'd hate her just as much as I hate every other celeb ive scammed. Once I read the files I realised that might not be the case but I couldn't tell lucas that, I thought she'd be pathetic and weak with loads of first world problems but I was wrong once again. I've realised that micheal is in fact a little over protective, shes a very happy person and can take care of her self just fine. I understand that she does in fact have anxiety but it doesnt affect her daily life in anyway and honestly I don't even think you could tell if she hadn't told you. I've concluded that she doesn't actually have an eating disorder, she 3/4 of the daily reccomended calorie count which is above average for a celebrity and it seems to keep her a relatively healthy weight. i found this out by recording everything I've seen her eat and calculating the calory count. i guess its a little creepy when you think about it but its just part of my job. I can't deny that I've started to grow attached to her, I know it'll end badly once i have to leave her but its never happend before and im not sure I want to stop. she's so beautiful and kind, I can't help liking her. her boyfriend still hasn't come home even though her was meant to arrive back weeks ago. I've decided that I really don't like him based on their phone calls, he sounds like a peice of shit who doesnt pay her enough attention but what do i know.

Joe closed his journal and picked up his phone after recieving a text from Lucas.

L- You've been cleared to move onto stage two. you've gathered lots of useful intel so i think its time to start work.

Phase two meant starting to gather stuff to use as blackmail. He felt an unpleasent feeling grow in his chest. Was it guilt? dread? fear?
most likely a combination of all three.

Joe had long since admitted to himself that he had feelings for Taylor so now the problem would be trying to not let them interfere with his job.

Right now Taylor was out attending a meeting with her publicist, tree Paine, and Alex and Micheal had gone with her so he could bug the house.

Joe had been given access to unlimited resources for this job so the possibilities were endless but he didn't have the guts to use some of the methods right now. He stuck with using some simple sound and video recording devices. 
He put them in various places around her house.  Her kitchen, living room, bathroom (not actually facing the toilet), bedroom and even one in her car.

Now that he had access to his own cameras he wouldn't have to sneak into the cctv room anymore, which he had found himself doing most nights. 

I hate that I have to do this. It feels so wrong, she's literally trusting me with her life and I'm watching her sleep and gathering private footage to blackmail her with.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of the door opening. Joe turned around to find Taylor looking at him.
"Uhh Joe why are you sitting on my bed?"
"I.... I'm sorry.... I thought I heard someone in here"
She clearly didn't believe him.
"What do you take me for? Some dim celebrity?"
Her tone was soft, confused and a little frustrated. He had never seen an ounce of anger in her before so he was a little taken aback.
"I..of course not. I was just....."
"I.... don't want to know why you snuck into my bedroom. But I need to know, did you go through my stuff?"
She was visibly nervous now.
"Uhh... no I didn't"
"Okay that's fine then.... just, please don't go in my bedroom while I'm out."
Okay this is a long shot.
"Why? Is there something you don't want me to see?"
She gave him a disbelieving stare.
"I don't know what your insinuating Joe. I'm sure your aware that your seriously overstepping here. I'm trusting you with a lot so finding you in my bedroom where I sleep Is a little disconcerting."
He nodded, embarrassed.
"I'm so sorry Taylor. It won't happen again"
She nodded as he walked out.

Taylor sighed in relief when Joe left.
She sat down on her bed and held her head in her hands.
Today had been horrible and now she found a guy snooping through her bedroom.
She had been to a meeting with tree where she basically told her that everyone is saying that Adam is cheating on her, making her look like a total idiot.
She didn't understand why everyone hates Adam so much, sometimes he can be a little bit pushy but he has her interests at heart.
Tree can't stand him, she has provided many rude nicknames e.g "calcium hydroxide" "Scottish little shit" "the obnoxious guy you've been fucking for two years" and "what's his face"
Her mother couldn't stand him either. "I can't believe your still with him tay. What kind of boyfriend forgets their girlfriends birthday and tells her she clearly ate too much cake IN FRONT OF HER MOTHER"

Adam had been photographed with Rita Ora recently but he was adamant that it had been photoshop.

She walked over to the dresser and got out a series of small books.
They were her diaries, nobody knew about them because the things she wrote were always deeply personal. Her food diary was filled with some of the insults people had said to her as motivation, it had pages filled with her darkest thoughts and biggest secrets.

Joe. Taylor had a weird feeling about him. There was something off, and not just the fact that she caught him staring at her constantly.
She knew that she had feelings for him by now but she would never ever be unfaithful to Adam. Taylor really did love him with her whole heart. Joe was charming, smart, easy to talk to and so handsome. Adam was honest and protective.

She changed into one of Adam's oversized T-shirts and got into bed.
She tried to calm her chaotic thoughts as she tossed and turned in her bed.
The thoughts never left, not even in her sleep.

A: I'm sorry babe, I have to go back to tay next week

R: but I love you. You can be happy with me

A: I love tay, I'm sorry

R: I'll tell her

A: no, you won't

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