𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Two days in a rowwww.

Would it be smart to just save this chapter lol? Yup. Am I posting it immediately? Yuuuuupp.

Pls pls leave a comment lol I actually edited this one. I need to feel like it was a worth it. The next one won't be edited I'm sure lol

Finding an excuse to leave Taylor for a week hadn't been too difficult as he hadn't left New York in nearly a year now and it was completely believable that he may want to visit his family, he however had no intention of visiting his parents on this trip.
He had been requested for a meeting with Mr.Williams tomorrow and this would be the perfect excuse for an opportunity to retrieve the videos.
If all went to plan this may be the last time he would ever have to be at Sherwood Incorporated, this was his opportunity to leave his whole life behind him.

He could live an honest life, as an actual security guard, after all Taylor paid all her staff very very well.
He would get all the proper training that he was currently pretending to have.

He knew what a dangerous game he would be playing by continuing to falsify certifications.

Joe finished packing his last things up for the short trip and bid goodbye to Taylor

"I'm all packed. I'll be back on Monday"

"Bye Joe!!! Love youuu"

She called from the top of the stairs.

He hopped into the blacked out windowed car that Taylor normally used in L.A. and shut the door, driving himself to the airport.
Taylor had offered to lend him her private jet but he knew the company plane would be picking him up so he declined.

Upon arriving in London 8 hours later Joe was ushered into another black SVU. the drive through London reignited all his homesickness, everything had been so busy and chaotic since he arrived in London that he hardly had any time to think about what he had left behind in London.
But now driving through Highgate and Hampstead, past the Spaniards inn and the Heath, he was remind of his childhood here, Joe made a mental note to call Patrick and ask if he  wanted to meet up at the pub later, he had missed his birthday a few months ago so Joe needed to make up on some big brother points, Thomas was in Italy with his girlfriend so they wouldn't be able to meet up until Christmas.

The car pulled up at an awfully familiar building, the charcoal grey walls and tinted windows that lined the building separated it from the beautiful stately homes that lined the streets.

As Joe walked through the hallways he was acknowledged by every agent he passed, it was considered a very high achievement to complete such a long term mission and bring so much money into the corporation.

The same admiration was not received from Mr.Williams however, he was aware of the delicate nature of Joe's current situation and more prominently, Joe's inability to remain focused on the task.

Joe sat down at the long conference table in front of a series of senior members and investors, including his father.

"Joseph, fantastic to see you."

"Thanks dad." Joe shook his fathers hand reluctantly, hating the formality which Joe had resented so much throughout his childhood.

"Okay shall we all get started? There's lots to get through"

All the men at the table nodded in agreement.

"Okay then, Joe why don't you begin by updating everyone here on the developments of your case."

Joe stood up and cleared his throat, not entirely sure on what they wanted to know.

"So, as i'm sure you're all aware I've been working on the case for almost a year now and i'm gad to say that we have nearly secured all necessary material for this target.
I successfully ended the preexisting relationship that miss swift was engaged in and secured my own stance as a person  she trusts and knows on a personal level.
I set up cameras in every room, recorded private conversations and took photos of diary entries and private business interactions."

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