𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡

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The saying time flies when you're having fun is true. This is only second to how time miraculously disappears when you're in love, not that either party would be willing to admit that yet, and although golden-hour had long since passed, that invisible string tying them together was more than just a glowing ember.

Her smile seemed to make the stars align within his mind and every piece fell into place.

"Micheal is going to murde-"
Taylor started to warn Joe of the compromising appearance of their positioning however it seemed as though she was a little late.


They jumped apart so quickly that Taylor awkwardly fell off the steps and onto the gravel. Joe reached down to help her up and once he had checked that she was fine they both looked up to find Micheal staring at them with a horrified expression.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Making out on your doorstep-"

"We weren't making out Micheal." Taylor rolled her eye at his minor exaggeration.

"So you're sleeping together huh? That's disgusting Joseph, taking advantage of-"

"He wasn't taking advantage of anything! I kissed him!"

"Shut up Taylor. You're no better, first Alex and now Joe? You should be ashamed of yourself, can't you find someone else to sleep with or are you just going to keep fucking the nearest man under 40?"

They were trying their best not to giggle like teenagers.

"We haven't slept together."

"I don't care, 2 hours ago you were having an anxiety attack on the floor of your bedroom after breaking up with your boyfriend and now you're kissing your security. Get a grip, you're better than this. You're too emotionally unstable to be making decisions."

"You're acting like I'm 12 years old Micheal. I'm perfectly stable. I can decide who I do and don't kiss."

"Both of you inside or I'm calling your mother."

"Why does everyone threaten me with my mother?"

They dragged themselves inside, hands still intertwined and with a soft smile on both their faces.

When they sat down on the sofa Taylor naturally curled into him with her head on his shoulder.

"Separate. We need to talk."

"But we were-"


Joe had stayed silent the whole time, knowing he could very well loose his job and that he was hardly in a position to be arguing back with Micheal.

"Firstly how long has this been going on?"

"Only about the last five minutes."
Taylor picked at the skin surrounding her nails absentmindedly, bored with the interrogation already.

"You just broke up with Adam after a year together you aren't in the right mindset for a relationship. Plus this is highly inappropriate, You're his boss and client."

"So? Isn't it god that I have someone who's trained in self defence and can use a firearm with me All the time?"

Joe definitely did not know either of those things. He was much to British to ever touch a gun he could however pickpocket very well.

"Not if they're asleep in bed next to you."

She rolled her eyes.
"You aren't my dad Micheal, call my mom if you want and I bet she won't mind."

He picked up the phone begrudgingly and dialed Andrea.

"Hello it's Micheal, ...... no no everything's okay......... well actually we did have a bit of a problem earlier tonight but she's alright now..... it's a long story so I think it's best that she tells you..... no they aren't together anymore...... well that's why I'm calling, Taylor and Joe seem to have began a relationship and-"

"Oh my god you guys are so weird!! You're talking about me like I'm an invalid or a 14 year old! I'm 24 why do you care who I date?!"

"- that's just Taylor she's in a bad mood..... according to Taylor half an hour...... no he hasn't said a whole lot to be honest..... okay fantastic."

He hung up and turned to talk to Taylor and Joe again.

"She's coming over."

Taylor's frustration was growing.
"This is insane!!"

"Taylor the last man you dated was a psychopath who damaged your mental and physical health so forgive me for being cautious."

"But you know Joe and you like him."

"That's irrelevant, I have no faith in your taste in men and I haven't forgot about your eating habits, or lack there of."

"Oh shut up. Joe wants me to be healthy."

"Of course I d-"
Joe attempted to speak for the first time that evening but was cut off.

"You are in no position to talk young man."

Joe was saved by the sound of the latch opening and Andrea joining them in the living room.

"Will someone explain to me what the hell happened tonight?"

"So you know how today is Aurora's birthday?"

Andrea was clearly shocked to see Taylor mention it so openly and unemotionally.
"Well, yes I do."

"Don't worry Joe knows. Anyway, I was really sad and Adam said I was acting weird and accused me of cheating so I thought it was time to let him know. I brought him to her grave and gave this long speech of my story and he basically threw it in my face and yelled at me and went home, that sucked so I stayed for a while then went home and found him packing his shit and telling me he was leaving me. He said some really hurtful shit and gave me an anxiety attack so Joe and Micheal had to sort that out, then I opened up to Joe and thethingisivebeenreallyinlovewithhimforages andwekindasortofkissed."

"Wow. That's a lot. ... I don't see any issues with it. Joe is a lovely man."
Joe smiled proudly at having impressed Taylor's mother.


"I don't want to hear it Micheal. I'm happy for them."

Guess who's wifi broke????? This girl! Aaaannyyways now that it's fixed and I'm in summer holidays I can update way way more so that's fun?

𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒐𝒙𝒆𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now