The brother

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Hey. Sorry I took so long to write such a small update but exams have been kicking my ass.
The real ones start in like 6 weeks so I'm just starting to revise for them.

Hood news though I god back my last mock results and it's almost all 8s and 9s (A* or A) !
So I'm feeling hopeful.

Plus I've been accepted to my first choice sixth form ( like college thing for 16-18 year olds) !

Anyways here's that chapter, hope u like it. Please leave ur thoughts as comments.

One 30 minute hike later the couple arrived at their new home. The weather was relatively nice for this time of year, barely above zero degrees, so their thick winter coats and layered clothing was plenty to keep them warm. Taylor once again was only allowed to carry the cats meaning that Joe lugged their bags the full distance, his arms aching awfully by the end. Eventually though they did manage to find their new home, tucked away behind a series of conveniently placed trees  and only a few hundred meters away from a small lake. It wasn't lavish by any means, nothing like Taylor's mansion, but it was still pretty nice, it had two bedrooms, a kitchen/living room space and a front porch which even housed a small hot tub.

"It's not the most ideal place for a pregnant woman I'm gonna be honest so you've gotta be careful. And it'll be as low as -40 degrees when January comes so we really need to take care of our winter gear." Joe rubbed the back of his head guiltily, trying to foresee any possible issues that may occur with the cabin.

"Joe this is lovely. Worth the walk for sure." Taylor assured him, pressing a kiss onto his still icy cheek.

He placed down their bags in the centre of the living room before moving towards the fireplace to light some of the logs which had been left out for them by the cabin's owner.

"Okay so Patrick should arrive in the early morning which means we have a good 12 hours to set everything up and have a little time to our selves before we're stuck with my teenage brother for the next several months" Joe leaned in to kiss his girlfriend softly before taking the bags of food which they had bought a few days earlier out of his luggage.

"We've got just about enough last a week before we need to make the treck into the village and I doubt they'll have any of the food you're craving so I've got three bags of lemons and six packets of sour patch kids."

Taylor chuckled at her boyfriends over organisation.
"Relax babe. I'll survive running out of lemons. I do have one slight question though."

Joe turned around expectingly
"Okay yeah, what is it?"

"Why exactly is your brother coming? I mean living in an isolated cabin in a foreign country with your brother and his runaway girlfriend and no internet connection doesn't sound like a dream holiday for a 19 year old."

Joe tried to find the best way to explain that his brother was also being threatened by his psychotic boss.
"Several reasons, for one he's desperate to meet you and I had originally invited him on this trip when it was supposed to be a nice holiday, for another he is also trained in how to use a firearm and fend off intruders so he will be able to back me up well. The idea is that at least one of us will always be with you incase something happens. And I though you would like some new company. I know how social you used to be and if I'm honest seeing you go from having hundreds of friends and hosting massive parties to never leaving our house was a little worrying."

Taylor hadn't really given much thought to the person she lost when everything collapsed. Now the thought of being anywhere without Joe riddled her with anxiety, it made her feel pathetic. She was a strong businesswoman, a multi millionaire with a music empire. Taylor suddenly felt the desire to get her life back on track which was slightly challenging considering her current location.

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