𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞

799 52 55

Not edited because hellooooooo it's meeeee here

Joe had made the decision to lie to Mr.Williams in order to keep him at bay until he could find a permanent solution. He no longer had any intention to fulfil the scam which he had been sent to complete.

So when the inevitable call arrived a week into their relationship he excused himself from dinner to answer it.

"Mr Alwyn. You seem to have abandoned your mission entirely, I haven't heard from you in weeks and was beginning to think you had deserted to chase your damsel and win heart heart or some sappy shit like that."

"I'm sorry sir, I do have good news though. I have moved into phase-"

"I know idiot. Have you forgotten the cameras in her bedroom?"

Joe was stunned into silence. He hadn't ever considered how he would feel if it was him and his girlfriend being violated. Now that it was someone else watching the cameras felt disgusting. He didn't want anyone to be watching his girlfriend sleeping, changing or crying.

"What? You don't appreciate being on the receiving end. It shouldn't feel that way Joe. She isn't your girl, man up and separate your feelings from your job."

"This is hardly a reputable career. Don't we have some kind of moral code? It doesn't matter what my connection to her is, it's wrong to use someone's trauma as blackmail."

"I'm not sure when this high and mighty moral man switched places with Joe but I don't like him. You talk about her as if she's a wounded baby deer you need to look after. She doesn't need the money or the sympathy, I need to see some evidence, some progress."

"I am making progress. We are in a proper relationship, you have access to every camera and I would say you've got more than enough content to use for the scam."

"I haven't received anything that could ruin her, all I've seen is the kind of stuff that makes people pity a woman like her. I need to see her  doing something horrifying that could turn away even her closest friends. She's a rich celebrity, she can't be a nice person."

"But what if she is? What if your wrong this time and she really is an honest person? I've spent every day seeing everything she says and does even when she thinks no one is watching and I haven't seen her be cruel to anyone."

"Your position has been compromised joe. You've only gone and fallen in love with the damn woman."

Joe knew not to push his luck if he wanted him to continue believing that Joe was going to follow through so he didn't argue any further. He needed to find some way to destroy all the footage and remove the cameras without Mr.Williams noticing, which was virtually impossible as he was currently receiving a 24 hour live feed of all the cameras which he could record and store wherever he wanted.

"I'm sorry for overstepping sir. I understand the importance of my task and the amount of resources and time you have given me. I'll do my best to draw more out of her."

He hadn't noticed Taylor entering the room and walking up behind him so feeling her arms wrap around his waist caused Joe to jump back in alarm.

"Oh my god baby you scared the shit out of me."

She didn't seem to notice his uncomfortable and awkward behaviour as her face was buried in his shoulder and kissing his neck.

"You were.. taking .. forever.. so I thought I'd see what was taking so long. Who were you talking to?"
She asked softly between kisses, he could tell by the tone in her voice that she was sleepy and it made him feel even more guilty to be hiding something so big from such a docile woman.

"My agent at the security agency."
He looked into her eyes, searching for an ounce of distrust or apprehension but it wasn't there.

"Oh... you aren't leaving are you?"
Her sleepy nature made her look like a really tall fluffy blonde puppy

He did his best to not think about how he was gambling with her life.

"No no baby I turned it down."

"Yay!" Her grin was undeniable , she was genuinely relieved.

"I'm sleepy."
She mumbled, leaning on his shoulder.

"Yeah babe. I know. Is this you asking me to carry you upstairs without asking me to carry you upstairs?"

She held up her arms and smiled like a child who'd stolen all the sweets.
She really wasn't helping his guilty conscience.

He lifted her up and carried her into bed, glancing at the small flashing camera on the bookshelf and then back at her, curled up into the foetal position with all her clothes still on.
He felt disgusting knowing that anyone of the men back at headquarters was able to watch her sleeping, it seemed somehow worse that the other things they could see.

He washed his face and brushed his teeth before climbing into bed and holding her, the even rise and fall of her chest meant she had already fallen asleep. She looked beautiful, he wanted her to be his, he felt the need to save her from himself.

Ten minutes later she rolled over and looked at him, his arms still wrapped around her waist.

"Thank you Joe, for staying. You've made me feel safer and happier than anyone else, you've shown me that I deserve more than a man who degrades and abandons me, I finally trust someone."

She kissed his nose and rolled back over.

Guilt. Overwhelming guilt and fear for a woman so unaware of the lies that surrounded her false happiness.

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