The money problem

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Happy summer guys!!

I'm working back towards super regular updates so hopefully this one is good enough despite my exauhstion.

Please leave your reactions and thoughts in the comments, I try to reply to all of them and I really appreciate it 💙💙

Over the last few days it had felt like tensions between the couple had been rising exponentially.
Taylor's hormones combined with the contentious topic of their plans for the future had resulted in a series of petty arguments which often ended with Patrick having to step in.

It was obvious that this wasn't something that could be easily resolved and with money running out they were running out of time.
The decision was clear, should they stick around and try to find a way to get some money or should they use the last of their money to get back to the US and return with their tails between their legs.

While Taylor was incredibly persuasive, both Joe and Patrick strongly opposed her stance on the issue. Most probably a result of their exclusive knowledge of who exactly they were running from. Taylor had no idea what they were trying to protect her from and it really did seem as though it was best that way, she was more than stressed enough as it was and Joe and Patrick were fearful of her illness worsening.

After the initial fall the group had silently agreed not to mention the event. This was not the time for Taylor to start appearing unwell, they didn't have the money for hospital care or anything. She simply had to be alright, and for now that was working. She had quickly recovered from the initial fall and hadn't presented any concerning symptoms since.

"For fucks sake Joe! You are such a fucking idiot!" Taylor stormed towards him, clenching her jaw tightly and waving her arms around in pure unadulterated frustration.

"We need to find away to make money. This is the perfect way! There aren't any jobs available in town Taylor! And even if there were we can't speak Icelandic. We need money and by doing this we can get it. Unless you want to start busking to the fucking bears or something?"

"I WILL NOT LET YOU GO AROUND STEALING!" Taylor's face burned red in anger. How could Joe even suggest he and Patrick raid from nearby cabins to sell their items? It's insane.

"I mean what do you even know about stealing from people? When you're both arrested and I'm stuck here alone and I have to fucking whore myself out to the locals for money every night then what?!"

Joe cringed strongly at the analogy. It was clearly hyperbolic but the thought of that happening panicked him non the less.

"I would never ever let that happen. And for your information I know a think or two about being a criminal, I'm trained to catch them after all. And we have been telling you relentlessly that we have no alternative. This is a life or death situation here-"

"BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE!" Taylor couldn't comprehend how this was even close to logical. They may not be in any danger whatsoever and back home she had almost a hundred million dollars sitting in her bank.

"Taylor please trust us on this. We can keep you safe and secure if we only nick a few things here and there from people who don't need it."
Patrick took a few steps towards Taylor trying to convince her of his plan.

"That sounds awfully fantastic Robin Hood except that isn't how life works."
Joe cringed at Taylor's unintentional reference to his previous organisation.

"Please Taylor. I can't take any risks when it comes to you and bug."

"Oh don't pull the dad card now Joseph! I won't let you manipulate the conversation like that."
It was at moments like this that Taylor's businesswoman persona became incredibly useful. She was surprisingly powerful when her eyes set firm and she pursed her lips like this.

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