The doctor

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Once taylor’s condition seemed to improve they agreed that they would travel together in the morning to the nearest town and look for a clinic of some kind.

Joe had already called a friend who was training to be a doctor and called a non emergency line to ask for advice and both suggested that they seek medical attention within the next few days but assured joe not to worry immediately as it could very likely be related to taylors existing conditions and her recent increase in stress levels.

Either way the circumstances were far from ideal and Joe didn't like the thought of them arriving at a doctor and being told that there was little they could do.

Even if these episodes didn’t harm taylor or the baby they were horribly scary and caused taylor a lot of discomfort and anxiety, joe only wished he could take on the pain for her.

It felt like the last three years had just been spent watching on as taylor faced challenge after challenge without a break. 

She was without a doubt the most resilient woman that he had ever known, yet he couldn’t help the fact that everything in him was desperate to protect her from the world.

Taylor had been incredibly good at keeping her head up recently, and while joe and pat had gone to extreme lengths to make sure she was resting and not straining herself, she had been reluctant to sit down, always wanting to help around the house.

“Are you ready love?” Taylor knocked softly on their bedroom door, leaning through the doorway and smiling slightly at her boyfriend as he got up to meet her in the hallway.

“Yeah, is Patrick up yet?”  Joe replied, stroking his partner's hair.

“Yep, he’s by the door waiting for us.”

Joe could read the nervousness on Taylor's face easily.

“What if they sa-”

“-Love, it's going to be alright. The chances are that this is all just the result of you no longer taking all your medications after years of being on them, it's not surprising that you haven't been feeling well, and your body is going through a lot, pregnancy is difficult and all the stress is surely not helping. They will probably have a solution.”

Taylor nodded, trying to be optimistic and believe Joe.

The small group put on their thickest coats, over several other winter layers, to try and keep out the Icelandic winter cold and headed off on the forty minute walk to the nearby town.

Upon arrival they knocked on nearly every door, asking if there was a doctor available but nobody spoke English and despite their willingness to help the trio they were often only able to point them in the direction of another person who may be able to communicate with them.

Eventually they were able to come across a single man who spoke enough English to help them.

“Hæ get ég hjálpað þér?” He smiled warmly.

Hi, can I help you?

“Halló talarðu.. uh ensku? við erum ensk. Englandi?”

Hello, do you.. Uh, speak english? We.. are english. England?

Patrick offered in broken icelandic.

“Ou parlez-vous français, parce que je parle un peu français ?”

Or do you speak French, because I speak a little french.

Taylor offered to use her limited high school french.

“Yes. I can use some english. Come in.”

He invited the group in to escape the cold and brought them to his living room where his wife and toddler were sitting playing a game of marbles. 

𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒐𝒙𝒆𝒔 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora