🌊 13 🌊

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(A/N: before you get confused, this chapter is going to be repeating what happened in the previous chap, but it's Jisoo's point of view here, oki? Have fun!)

Jisoo's POV

"Kim!" He called me.

I replied with a hum, loud enough for him to hear me.

"You know that i still hate you, right?" He looked at me with a smirk.

I giggled before returning the phrase like how i always do, "hate you too, Kim." And as i finished my sentence, we were both hit by a huge wave into the ocean. Our raft broke, and we were pushed to the bottom of the sea.

Still hand in hand, Taehyung and i swam back up towards the surface. I felt him pull me closer and put his hands around my shoulder. I held his hand that was around my neck with one hand, while my other hand was put around his waist to keep us locked with each other.

I thought everything will go well and that Taehyung and i won't get separated with our position this way. 

But i was wrong. 

The second we reached the surface, a bigger wave smashed us. That's when i didn't feel his hands anymore. We got separated. As much as i hate him, i don't want us to be separated.

I don't want to lose anyone else.

I panicked automatically. I felt as if my brain stopped functioning, wondering how i would survive this storm alone. I opened my eyes without any second thoughts, letting it sore. I let my body get pushed here and there, crash this and that because of the waves that kept coming, without any attempts to fight against it.

I was scared, panicked, i lost hope. But a voice suddenly echoed through my mind when i closed my eyes.

"We might not be together when the storm ends! I hope we are, but if we don't, make sure to take care of yourself!"

"I hate you, Kim."

Haha, the last sentence. Classic Kim. I thought. That's when i realised what i should do. He asked me to take care of myself, even though he's not here with me. I lost someone because i didn't do anything, this time, i'm not gonna lose someone else, or myself because of the same reason.

"First of all, you have to calm down. That's the first rule my grandfather told me. Stay calm in all situations." 

Yes. I formed my hands into fists and calmed myself down. I felt my foot touch the soft sand beneath the sea. With all my strength, i kicked it to boost myself up and swam until i reached the surface.

"Second, be ready."

Be ready. I nodded to myself and faced the roaring ocean around me. Another big wave rose beside me. But i'm ready. I took a very deep breath and dove underwater to avoid the hard impact of the wave.

I quickly opened my eyes when i felt something silky and squishy touched my hand. I saw a dolphin. Three dolphins. I was scared, i didn't know what they wanted to do with me. Helped by some forces of the waves, i swam further from them, but before i could get far, one of them carried me on it's back and brought me to the surface, where i could breathe again. When i felt fresh air ran through my skin, i widen my eyes. It felt like a dream.

The storm had stop, the clouds were gone, and i can now see the stars and moon. The seas were calm. I'm riding on top of a dolphin, with it's two friends, following behind me. 

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