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Taehyung's POV

It's around two in the morning based on the moon's position, and my eyes aren't even heavy. They were wide awake, looking around, staying guard in case something dangerous approaches or if there's any light source around, marking a land spot.

But no lights were seen, making me sigh. Again, the same question repeated in my head, are we gonna make it?

My body flinched and my hand moved fast to hold Jisoo's body when she shifted in her sleep. That girl's been sleeping soundly on my lap for the last few hours, but i can tell how uncomfortable she felt by the way her eyebrows would furrow every once in a while.

My hand was holding unto her shoulder and her bare waist—since she was wearing a crop top—and i could feel her hot body temperature. I pulled her closer to make sure she doesn't fall off before lifting one of my hand and putting it on her forehead, to check her temperature, and true enough, she was burning.

"Eumgh.." She once again shifted uncomfortably.

"Jisoo-ya.." I gently called her, but she didn't seem to hear me.

Her body shivered, giving a sign of how cold she was.

"Hey, Kim.." I called again, lightly tapping her cheek to wake her up.




After a few soft calls and taps, she started blinking her eyes and opening them slowly.

"Hm..?" She mumbled, breathing heavily.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Hmm..cold..ssss..huh.." She shivered again, hugging my waist and snuggling closer.

"I think you have a fever, Jisoo."

"Hmm.." She replied, still breathing heavily as she slowly closed her red, watery eyes, attempting to go back to sleep.

"Aish, what the heck should i do if someone catches a cold.... in the middle of the ocean?!" I whispered, growling.

"And what medicine does she usually consume at times like this? Or what food? Or what does she do? Heck, i don't know what to do!" I silently groaned.

"Ah! Jin hyung must know!" I snapped my fingers when i remembered Jisoo's cousin.

I took Jisoo's phone that's hanging on her neck and dialled Jin's number after slowly unlocking it with Jisoo's finger.

He didn't pick up the first time, second time, and third time. So i tried dialing Namjoon hyung's number, but same result. So i dialled Hobi hyung's number and after a few rings, he finally picked up.

But all i heard were loud, muffled voices.

"Hyung?!" I called.

"Sorry brrff— Taehyung-ah! Can't– ugh! Talk right now! In a storm—"


"Hello? Hyung?" I called again, but it was no use, since the call had ended. "In a storm?" I mumbled, worried.

"W-who's.. in a storm...?" Jisoo quietly asked.

"Uhh... i'll tell you later, Kim." I told her, not wanting her to panic. "Let's just think about what to do with you. What did Jin hyung or probably Bobby hyung do when you catch a cold?" I asked, but all i got was a small mumble before she shivered weakly once more.

I sighed before my fingers quickly typed my cousin's number.

After a few rings, she picked up.

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