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No one's POV

The two slept well the next who knows how many hours, they woke up at around 10 in the morning the next day.

"You wanna eat?" Taehyung turned to Jisoo who quickly nodded with a grin.

The boy took out some chips from his bag and gave it to Jisoo, in which she accepted with delight.

They enjoyed their breakfast for the next half hour, staring at the sea and sky. "Did you know that i've ever slept one whole night in the pool when i was four?" Jisoo started a conversation.

"Kim, what do i know about you?" Taehyung chuckled.

"Oh, right." Jisoo giggled.

"Tell me about it." He looked at Jisoo.

"My mom just bought some kind of.. waterproof camping tent made out of rubber. Now that i think about it, it's kinda weird. But that's what it was. It's around 3 meters wide, and shaped exactly like a tent. I told my brother i wanted to try it, he denied it at first because he thought it was dangerous, but i was stubborn, so i hopped on when he was sleeping at night. The tent was comfortable! So i slept there until the next day. I woke up when i heard my brother's angry call. He told me he even called 911 because he thought i was kidnapped." She laughed.

Taehyung laughed along, imagining how everyone's faces were.

"And did you know i nearly died in that pool of yours?" He asked in return.

"The pool in our backyard? In my house? How?" She asked curiously. "How come i never knew?"

"You were having a sleepover at Lisa's if i'm not mistaken." He answered. "It was a few years ago, around two years? Or was it last year? I'm not sure. But that time, Jin invited us over to your house as if it was his. And there we went swimming in your pool. But turns out the pool was deeper than i expected. I wasn't ready so i sank. When i was about to swim up, some kind of raft blocked the way and i couldn't push it away. When i nearly ran out of breath, i saw Jungkook jump off the raft and quickly pull me up to the surface."

"Woah.. i guess my pool is really dangerous." She laughed.

He laughed along as a reply.

"Don't you know that Irene eonnie has sidekick powers?" She asked, "the one that can see ghosts."

"I think i've heard. Why?"

"Are you a coward?"

"What the heck- that question can be quite offensive, ms. Kim. But no, i'm not a coward." He chuckled.

"Okay then, you know the unused classroom on the fourth floor of our school?"

"Hmm..." Taehyung tried remembering, "the place where that mysterious boy... Son Heung Min was said to have suicided?" He recalled.

"Yes! That one!" She clapped, "so Irene and i was-"

"Wait, wait, before that, i haven't known the whole story." Taehyung interrupted.

"What do you mean?"

"I never was into those kinds of talks, you know, gossips. So Son Heung Min suicided in that class was the only thing i heard."

"Wait- seriously?! I mean it went on for months! Nearly a year!"

"I know! But no one in my group is that interested to gossips. Except Jimin. But he's a coward, so he didn't really follow this news. And Jennie.. she just never liked telling me gossips."

"Well of course, she has girl friends. Who in the world would choose boys to talk with about gossips when girls are around?" She giggled.

"Yea, yea. Just tell me about the story. I heard from Jin hyung that Heung Min actually was into you or something? I didn't really listen since i didn't really care at that time."

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