Come back home

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20 minutes later, the lady came back to Newt with a mountain of books in her hands. She put them on the library counter which made a loud bang.

Her: There you go! I hope you will find what you are looking for!

Newt nodded and tanked her. He went sitting at a table and started reading the books.

A few hours later and a few books later, he found out some shocking news.

Three days from now, the 23 July of the year 2020, Sonya will go on an expedition with Harriet and a crank will surprise them. Sonya will be bitten. At that time, she is about one week pregnant. And that child is Newt's real mother. Harriet had also been bitten but in the leg. For Sonya, the crank bit her on her shoulder. Sonya fainted because of the pain. Harriet managed to escape the crank with Sonya and get into their Jeep. Harriet would drive as fast as she could to get to the Safe Heaven in time. When they arrived, Mary quickly took them to her medical cabin and Vince helped her. Maria healed Sonya, gave her the cure and that's when they discovered that she was pregnant.

That same day, at the same time that Sonya and Harriet left, Aris were supposed to go on his usual mission with Thomas to go see if they could pick up some food and materials left in ghost cities and old W.I.C.K.E.D buildings that no one is operating there anymore with a Jeep. Because the W.I.C.K.E.D organization had been destroyed. But, for some reasons, which confuse Newt in his reading, Thomas didn't go with him. For some unknowns circumstances, Aris had a car crash and died right away. They found him few days after that. And three days after that car crash, Thomas killed himself, throwing himself down a cliff near the sanctuary. And, one month later, Brenda found out that she was pregnant with his child, which would become Adam's father and Newt adoptive father.

So the events happened around the 22 of July and the 27 of that same month in 2020. So he needed to go back for the 22 of July. To warn everyone. And to save the person he loved the most in this world.

So he closed his books and brang them back to the lady. He didn't have to read all the books. He learned all the important stuff he needed. The rest will be part of the new history.

He thanked her and walked away. When he got outside, he looked at his watch.

"Bloody hell! I didn't know I stayed that late!" He thought.

Newt have been staying at the library since the late afternoon to the closing of the library, about 9 pm.

He quickly walked home, but at the same time admired everything around him knowing that will be one of the last time he see this Island developed like that.

When he got home, his adopted mother came and hug him.

Her: Dear god Newt!! Where have you been?? I have been worried sick about you!

Newt: I'm sorry.

Newt was still looking down, still upset with the discussion they had before. His mother noticed it.

Her: I am so sorry Newt. I shouldn't have told you that. You weren't ready to heard it and I pushed anyways. I am very sorry.

Newt hugged her back.

Him: It's okay!

She broke the hug and smiled to him, her eyes glossy.

Her: Does mister wants to eat? I kept some leftovers in the fridge!

He looked at her smiling.

Him: Of course I do! Why do you even bother to ask!

He chuckled and she softly laughed. She shook Newt's hair.

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