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Gally took Thomas and Teresa and went tied them to a three. Thomas was asleep and Teresa opened her eyes.

Her: Gally what are you doing???

Him: I put you there to keep the grivers from coming back.

Her: Oh and you think that banishing us will solve the problem?

Him: It's not a banishment. It's a gift.

Her: No!! Gally don't do this!!! No!!

Chuck arrived at the scene with his stuff packed. Minho and Newt looked at each other, ready to do their plan.

Few gladers were about to tied Thomas correctly but then he woke up and hits them. Minho took the advantage to untie Teresa and Newt took out his knife behind the gladers who were trying to took Thomas back.

After releasing them, the group formed a line where the doors of the maze was. They were pointing their weapons to Gally's side.

Gally raised his eyebrows.

Him: Coming from you I would say that I'm not surprised!

Thomas looked at everyone who was on the side of Gally.

Thomas: We found a way out. And we are going out. I know that a lot of you are scared...

Gally: Don't listen to him!!

Thomas: But I'm scared too. We all do. But I rather die trying instead of being trap there for the rest of my life. The grivers came here last night! Do you really think they are never going to come back??! People who put us in there knows that we are still alive. They are going to send back the grivers here until no ones remains. Is that the life you all want to live? To always be in the fear that you might not live tomorrow? We are leaving. And that's your last chance to come with us!

Many gladers came to their side ignoring Gally who was trying to stop them. After that, only a few ones, the closest person to Gally, were to his side.

Thomas: Gally... you can come with us! It's not too late.

Everyone looked at Gally and Newt and Minho were really hoping that he could change his mind.

Gally: Good luck to get out!

Then, the gladers who were with Thomas started running into the maze to the section seven. While running with an incredible pain due to his leg, Newt thought about Gally.

"I saw his grave in the safe heaven memorial. So he didn't died out here. He escaped! But how???!!"


They finally arrived to the portals but unfortunately grivers were waiting for them. They hid the time to make a plan.

Newt gave an eye contact to Minho that means a lot. Minho knew what to do. He took out a piece of rock with numbers written on it with a knife.

Minho gave it to Teresa

Him: That's the code of the section. When we will fight the grivers, you and Chuck will go to the entrance of it and you will type this code.

Her: Ok...but do you know that?

Newt: I doesn't matter. Just follow the instructions that Minho gave you alright? That will save us time!

Chuck: ahhh I see! That's the thing you were doing early this morning. You have planned this!

They both nodded.

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