The Party

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Thomas felt the body against him moving.


He look at his boyfriend. He lifted up his head and saw that it was actually Brenda who shot the guard. Thomas hug his boyfriend like his life depends on it. He ran his fingers into his dirty blond hair.

Him: Oh thank god! I thought I have lost you!!!

He kissed his temple and looked at Newt.

Newt: I'm alright Tommy. It's okay.

Brenda: That's very cute but we kind of need to move if we want to get out of here alive!

They all followed Brenda back to Jorge office. We they arrived, Jorge pulled a disc of music and it started to play into the building. He looked at them and make them a sign to follow him. They did and he opened a large window with a yodel relating two buildings. He took it and handed it to the boys.

Him: C'mon let's go.

Minho looked at him not trusting him at all.

Minho: You fist. Hermano!

Jorge: Alright then suit yourself!

He jumped in it and went on the other building. Followed by Teresa, Frypan, Aris, Minho.

They all go in when the only ones who remained was Newt, Thomas and Brenda. Newt was the next.

Thomas was next to him.

Newt: I..I don't want to go Tommy... I want to stay with you.. I'm scared!

Thomas came hug his boyfriend.

Him: Hey... I'm here okay? Don't be scared I will be just behind you Alright? But we need to hurry before they could have the chance to catch us!

They were still hugging.

Newt: I want to stay with you Tommy please.

Thomas decided to kiss him on his lips. And Newt forgot everything that was happening around him. Even Thomas who was moving him to push him. When they broke apart, Thomas let go of him and Newt began to travel beside the two buildings.

Newt: Tommy!!!!! No!!!! I HATE YOU!!!

Thomas couldn't help but laugh. He was preparing to go when Brenda came to him in panic.

Her: We need to go!! They found us!! We need to move! Follow me!

And then she grabbed Thomas' hand and brings him with her.


Newt just arrived in the other building. He felt someone grabbing him and pulled on the ground.

Minho: It's okay Newt. You can open your eyes.

Newt opened his eyes shaking. He had closed his eyes for the whole time because he was too afraid of the height.

But when he opened his eyes, he saw that the building that Thomas and Brenda were, exploded.

He stood up quickly and tried to ran to the building until two strong arms surrendered his body.

Him: TOMMY!!!!NO!!!!!!!

He cried. Minho tried to calm him down.

Jorge: He is still alive. Brenda is very smart. And she knows the place. They will get out and join us to Marcus' place don't worry.

Then Jorge leaded the march to Marcus' place followed by Teresa and the others.

Teresa's POV

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