꧁TEN ꧂ - House of cheats

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THE NEWLY FOUND TRIO SEPARATED SOON AS THEIR FRENCH TEACHER SAID THERE'D BE A TEST Sitting in her chair with complete boredom on her face, Rhianna took one sip of her flavoured water then noticed how Nina and Fabian rushed into the classroom extre...

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THE NEWLY FOUND TRIO SEPARATED SOON AS THEIR FRENCH TEACHER SAID THERE'D BE A TEST Sitting in her chair with complete boredom on her face, Rhianna took one sip of her flavoured water then noticed how Nina and Fabian rushed into the classroom extremely late.
one other thing occurred her brain she hadn't seen her purple-haired best friend since breakfast which she began to frown at, far as she knows Rutter was never late to lessons.. she suspected those two were most likely about to something during lunch.
"now this is what I call tv drama" she uttered underneath her breath while clicking onto her pen.

Mrs Andrews had noticed two of her students wonder into the classroom, probably an hour later when the bell officially rang. "You're late" she said with a hint of mad in her voice.
Thus they each looked at each other once realising they certainly didn't arrive on time.
"Sorry" apologised Nina and Fabian
"get to your places we're about to start" she instructed in which the two headed over towards their shared desk."Have you seen Patricia on your travels?" she asked Neither of them did so the duo replied with 'no' "right. she'll be getting an F then.  we'll start the test" she continued and afterwards pressed a button that played their exam.

'That is so weird'
Young Clarence thought as she mentally complained inside her head on how much she hated French, she's not even that good in multiple languages.. she can't speak her own (aka Spanish with a mixture of German alongside Italian) she rested her palm onto her right cheek while she started answering the questions although one side of her brain trialed somewhere else but tried her best to ignore it. well, that was until someone's voice distracted her which she looked up from her paper when recognising who spoke.

"Uh- miss?"
Mick's voice from the back row desks had distracted some people half of his classmates had turned around."Yes? The test has already started Mick, quiet please." demand their French teacher but she didn't bother glancing where he sat. "Yeah I know, I'm sorry. but it's just-  I didn't catch the last but of the first question..can you start it again please?" he hopefully questioned though got his answers right away"You know the rules" Mrs Andrews told him and at that minute everyone focused on their tests.

Two rows far left, Carmela amusingly shook her head. she took French back in her old hometown her mother wasn't able to get her full time education so instead of being at proper high school she ended up having a tutor throughout their every single travels. She also noticed how her other brunette friend seemed kinda stressed, suddenly an evil smirk slowly formed on her face while she thought about many ways to expose her fellow Anubis classmate. she glanced around the classroom with her eyes landing on Mara who unexpectedly had two papers which she made an 'o' shape being in shock. she didn't let it get to her though hence why she drifted into her bubble of scheming plans.

Few hours within their French lesson time went by pretty quickly. 
"okay, times up! "announced Mrs Andrews soon as the bell rang signalling that they were free too go home and so each year ten student rose from their seats packing away all of their belongings "quietly" she intersected once a bunch of chattering nosies began.

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