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Ok so I got this idea form another one-shot story but I didn't exactly cause it didn't say it but I thought it did. I don't make sense but basically in this person's story, its about snowflakes but I read playing something somewhere and I got this idea. Percy playing the piano and Annabeth walks in on him.

The Person:hsk2601

The Story: Percabeth One-Shots

Percy was roaming around the school.  He was waiting for Annabeth to finish up some stuff. She was saying stuff about homework and projects and stuff but he honestly stopped listening after library.

As he was walking down the halls, he saw a door that he had honestly never seen before. He opened the door and he saw that it was the music room. Now, not many people know this but Percy has an amazing voice because of his relation to the Sirens. He can also play quite a few instruments like the drums, cello, violin, etc. But the two instruments he played the most were guitar and piano. His favorite instrument was the piano and guitar was his second favorite instrument.

Lately, he hadn't played either of them. He had been planning on getting a guitar sometime in the near future but for now he hadn't played any instruments in a long time.

Lucky for him there was a Grand Piano right in the middle of the stage. He walked up to it and decided that while he was waiting for Annabeth he might as well play the piano nad brush up on his skills.

He sat down and put his hands on the keys, trying to think of what to play. He finally decided on the first piece he ever learned which was a pretty simple one but very very beautiful and perfect to test if he was still good at the piano.

He started playing and soon got engrossed in it. He kept on playing and when the piece finished he played another one. He got so distracted that he didn't even see Annabeth standing there with a small smile on her face.


Annabeth had finally finished up her homework and a few leftover small projects. She started looking around for Percy since she was exhausted and really wanted to sleep. She couldn't find him anywhere and was starting to get worried.

Before she could do anything, however, she heard a beautiful melody coming from somewhere. She followed it and realized it was coming from the music room. She peeked inside and gave a sigh of relief when she realized it was Percy.

Her relief turned into wonder as she realized that Percy was playing the piano. She saw how into it he was and a small smile grew on her face. This was the first time in a long time that she had seen him this relaxed.

She let him finish his piece and then started clapping. He jumped and in less than a second, was in front of her face with Riptide at her neck. He relaxed when he saw it was her.

"I didn't know you could play the piano Seaweed Brain. Why haven't you ever told me?" "Yeah well I don't think anyone does and it never came up in conversation." "Yeah yeah so what other instruments do you play?" "Well I cna play a bunch of instruments. I can play the piano, like you just saw, I can play the cello, violin, drums, guitar......"

Their voices started fading away as they walked out of the music room and towards their car, ready to go home and relax.

.............. I cna explain??...... *Dodges tomato* Ok seriously I swear I can explai- *gets show thrown I the face* Hey! Why did you do tha- Oh these are actually nice shoes can you throw the other one? *Dodges another tomato* Ok sorry sorry. But I can actually explain. I had an exam today. And I had tests yesterday. And I have my finals coming up. Plus I had no inspiration even though I had chapters ready.

I know I make no sense but basically i had an exam for my foreign language today. So yeah. And I had a test yesterday. And I have a test on Thursday. And I have it make up for the tests I missed next Tuesday. And then I have my finals from 3rd to 5th May. Plus Ramadan. If you don't know what Ramadan is it's basically the month where Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. So yeah.

Again I'm really sorry for not updating but yeah. Hopefully I cna update more but if I can't you know the reason why. I told you the reason. My finals.


*Runs away before someone throws something else*

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