Cold Percy 2

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This part two was requested by Blogger2007

Request: Can you make a part where Stacy does question Annabeth

I hope you don't mind but I changed it up a bit. I had intended to make Percy known to the whole school about how cold he is but I forgot cause I'm stupid. But I added that back so yeah. Hope you enjoy.

"So Annabeth, how was your sleep last night?" Stacy said while internally smirking. "Huh?" Oh it was good." Annabeth looked up from where she as trying to solve the question that stacy couldn't understand.

"Ok ok... So mind explaining how you got the Percy Jackson to act the like FREAKING SOFTIE!!" she whisper shouted the last bit as they were in a cafe and she did not want to draw a lot of attention to them.

"Oh Percy's always been like that. In private obviously and around our really close friends. He's always a big baby when we are alone but in front of others he puts on a cold front cause we both have been through quite a lot of things and he doesn't like opening up to a lot of people."

Stacy just sat there, her jaw on the floor. The times she had seen Percy in class, he was always cold and never talked to anyone. He wasn't interactive in class and always wore a leather jacket sometimes with a hoodie underneath.

"But- what's with his leather jacket?" "Oh his Dad gave that to him. He barely sees his Dad but they are on good terms. He gave him that forbid birthday and Percy literally cherishes it with his life." She said not looking up from the piece of paper she was working on. (A/N: It turns into armour like Riptide turns into a sword)

"O-Oh ok." Stacy sat back down and thought about it. Everyone had always said that Percy Jackson was rude and cold and would probably never get a girlfriend. She had even heard rumors of him being in a gang.

Guess you should never judge a book by its cover.

And scene. Ok idk what to say here. Hope you enjoyed.............

Ok bye!

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