War AU

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I know it has been a long time but I swear I have an explanation. First, I was lazy. Then I had my CIE exams, again. I just got done with them, thankfully. Third, I had zero motivation during the entire school year and I just recently got some of it back. the next few one-shots are like half-completed ones that I had planned from months ago; some are ideas I never wrote into stories. Hopefully, I'll update more now that I'm on my holiday but I give no guarantees. Anyways, here's the next one-shot. It's not the best or the longest but here it is.

World War 3 had started. There was complete and utter chaos. The Germans were bombing America in every way possible. Thankfully no nuclear bombs had been dropped. The American army put out a notice that every able man above the age of 18 and below the age of 50 must enlist in the military. Percy and Annabeth were both 28. They had just gotten married 2 years ago after being together for over a decade. They had just decided that they wanted to try to have a child. Their life was going perfectly. Until the war started. Now Percy was forced to go fight for his country and leave the love of his life.

"Hey, hey listen. It's going to be ok, ok? We are going to be fine ok? I promise you I will come back to you. I swear ok? Ok, Beth?" Percy was cradling his wife's face in his hands wiping the tears that were pouring down her face and trying to calm her down. "B-but what i-if you d-don't c-come b-back?" Annabeth was sobbing. She was finally in a good place and her husband was now leaving and she couldn't bear it. Her crying was hysterical.

"Hey hey hey no I will come back to you ok? I will. I promise you that, I will never abandon you. Till death do us part remember?" Percy chuckled a little bit if only to calm his nerves as well. They just stayed there for a while, holding on to each other, knowing this could very well be the last time they saw each other.

The next day, Percy left at the crack of dawn, after giving a sleeping Annabeth a kiss on the forehead. He couldn't bear to wake her up because he knew if he did, he would never leave. He quickly travelled to the pick-up point and just before he got on the bus, he took one last look at their house, the one they had recently bought and made a promise. "I'll come back to you Wise Girl, I swear on the River Styx."

Percabeth OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now