Abusive Step Father

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This is a request by AlmaHammour

Request: "Can u do one where Percy meets Annabeth in a park when they're both 6-8 (before Annabeth met Thalia and Luke) and then Sally comes and Annabeth stays with them for a few days, and about what happens with Gabe being there?"

They met when they were 8. Percy was at the park with his mom. Annabeth was in New York after running away from her Dad. She had run away a year ago and she didn't regret it, although it was kind of hard to survive on her own.

She ran into a small kid, the same age as her. She was very sceptical of him. She had learned that there were such things as monsters and they were always after her for some reason.

She eyed him up and down suspiciously and when she realized that he wasn't a monster, she agreed to play with him. She met his mother and when she was asked where her parents were, she replied by saying, "My mom's dead and my dad hates me so I ran away."

Sally immediately told her that she can stay with them if she wants and that she would be welcome to. Annabeth decided it wouldn't be that bad to stay with them for a few days. Sally was really nice and so was Percy.

She had been staying with them for a few days and she noticed something about Percy's stepdad. She didn't like him very much and he gave off a very weird vibe to her. She avoided him at all costs and didn't talk to him unless she had to.

One day she was walking past his room and saw Gabe standing over Percy and hitting him with a belt. She felt horrible but she couldn't do anything. So when he came back to his room that he was currently sharing with Annabeth, she helped him and cleaned the whips on his back.

The next day she walked pass the same room and saw Gabe whipping Percy's mom, Sally. She was outraged by that. She wanted to go to the police and get him arrested but she knew that they wouldn't listen to her.

She always wondered how Sally and Percy were always so cheerful and smiling all the time even though they were getting whipped.

Sally treated Annabeth like a second daughter and she really loved the child. She thought whoever her dad was, was really stupid for letting her go. She wanted to adopt her but knew that she couldn't, because Gabe would either beat Annabeth up or disagree and beat her up.

Annabeth decided it was time for her to leave. She had been staying with them for a month and she felt like she was being a burden. But she didn't have the heart to say goodbye to Sally. She loved Sally because Sally was like her second mom. But she had to leave. She didn't have much of a choice.

So she snuck out in the middle of the night, leaving a not for Sally so that she would know that Annabeth was safe. Annabeth was sad that she might never see her again but she decided that it was for the best. Little did she know, that in a few years she would meet her first friend and his mother again.

I hope that was what you were expecting. If it wasn't, I'm sorry for letting you down but this is what I envisioned when you gave me the request. Sorry for taking so long to write this, I had horrible writers block.

Anyways, I was thinking of doing a part two to this but more of a reaction part. Like Annabeth's reaction to seeing Percy after four years, Percy's reaction to seeing Annabeth after four years, Sally's reaction to seeing Annabeth after four years. Their reaction to Annabeth telling them that she saw Gabe hitting both of them, etc.

Lemme know in the comments if I should do something like this. Byeee for now.

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