Her 'Friend'

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So I just want to say that there are going to be different stories dedicated to different people because there's probably going to be inspired from their stories, so yeah. I was supposed to write this first but I forgot. I've probably bored you with this authors note so I'll write the story now.

Hi. My name is Scott Jones. I go to Canyon Crest Academy in San Francisco. I'm 18 years old. My best friends are Fred Averman, Lucy Tanaka, Derek Henderson, Hayley Jones and Annabeth Chase. I have had a crush on Annabeth for the longest time. Since the day she walked into our school and punched one of the guys who wolf-whistled at her. She was my best friend and I knew her better than anyone.

 I also had a crush on her as I said before. Everyone in our friend group knew that except Annabeth. I wanted to ask her out, but, considering how the last guy who asked her out ended up at the nurse's office and skipped school the next day, I was a bit scared. But he was a pervert so I guess she had a right to do that.

We were all going to go to our usual hangout spot today and I had decided to ask Annabeth then. Hopefully, she wouldn't beat me up and would say yes. But anyways, it was Friday, my favourite day of the week because today I had all my classes with Annabeth and because it was the last day of school for the week. I walked to the first class, which was biology, and, as always, Annabeth was already there.

 I plopped down in my seat next to Annabeth. She hadn't acknowledged me, but she was smiling at her phone, a device she rarely used. She told us she doesn't like using it a lot but we all think there's another reason. I lean over to see what she's looking at and see her sending a red heart to someone. My heart started sinking to my stomach and I looked at the contact. It said 'Seaweed Brain♥♥'.

My heart sank a little lower but then I remembered she said she had two brothers and she had hearts next to their names with their nicknames. I gained a little hope back. I moved back to my seat and greeted her. "Hey Beth," "Hey Scott," Huh. That's weird. She didn't scold me for calling her 'Beth'. She must be in a really good mood.

"So, what time are you gonna come to the park?" " I'm gonna be a little late, is that OK? I have a few friends coming in from New York to visit me, is it OK if I bring them with me?" "Ya sure of course." "Thanks, I haven't seen them in a long time." I was a little upset because her friends were gonna be there but she had a huge smile on her face, something we rarely saw, so it was worth it. 

The whole day somehow went fast enough and it was finally time to go to the park with all of us friends and it was finally the end of the day. I went home, grabbed a few snacks and headed straight for the park. I was a few minutes early so I decided to make a stop at the ice cream shop and grab an ice cream. As I was walking in, I saw this tall guy with black hair and a toned body laughing with a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes. Annabeth!

 I was about to go over and say hi when I saw him kiss her. Immediately, I stopped and my heart sank straight down to my stomach. I turned around and walked out with tears forming in my eyes. How could she? Well I mean we weren't really together but still. She could have at least told us she had a boyfriend. Then I wouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

 I walked to the park because I had promised my friends that I would see them there but now that I knew Annabeth was going to bring her boyfriend, I really didn't want to go. I knew I would get sympathetic looks from all my friends but I really didn't need that. I went anyway because it would look weird if I didn't. When I got there, Annabeth was already there. Guess I was a little late. 

She was there with her boyfriend who had sea-green eyes and clearly worked out every single day. I walked over to them and said hi. I hugged the girls but didn't make eye contact with anyone. Nobody was saying anything so I decided to break the silence. "Sooo.... who are you? Are you Annabeth's boyfriend?" Everyone looked eager to know that. Annabeth looked like she was about to answer but the tall guy interrupted and said,

"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson and no, I'm not her boyfriend-" I sighed from relief but not too loudly. I had a little hope. "- I'm her fiance." He finished. My head shot up and my heart went back down to my stomach. Annabeth, the most level-headed and rational person I knew, was engaged at the age of 18. To this guy called Percy Jackson. 

Saying I was sad was an understatement. I was devastated. The girl I had a crush on, my best friend, the person I knew everything about, was engaged to someone.

"Congratulations!!" Lucy was clearly happy. She never thought that I would be a good boyfriend for Annabeth, I don't know why. "Congrats," everyone said. I just muttered one since I was trying to hold back my tears.

"Umm, there's one more thing." Annabeth sounded nervous. "What?" Derek sounded concerned. Annabeth was like his little sister and he was probably scared something had happened to her.

She looked she didn't want to say at and was shifting from foot to foot. "Ummm....." "Just spit it out." My sadness had turned to irritation and I just wanted to leave.

The dude, Percy, glared at me and told me, "Don't talk to her like that." I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms over my chest and stared at Annabeth expectantly.

She fidgeted with her fingers and suddenly blurted out, "I'm leaving." My hand dropped to my sides and I stared at her, my jaw on the floor. "You're leaving!? When, where, why?!" Those words were out of Hayley and Fred's mouths seconds after they had registered in my brain. "I'm moving to New York tomorrow because more than half of my family is there and I was going to go there anyway. I know I dropped a bombshell on you guys and I'm sorry but I didn't know how else to tell you. I found out last week when Percy told me he was coming over to bring me back to New York and I really wanted to tell you but I didn't know how to break the news to you guys....."

She kept talking, but the only thing that registered in my brain was that he had come to get her and take her back to New York. He was probably forcing her or go back with him and was probably rude to her. He didn't deserve her. I did. I knew everything about her.

"So what you're saying is that he's forcing you to go back to New York with him?" I interrupted her rant. She stared at me with wide eyes because I never interrupted her, but when my words registered, her confused look turned into a glare.

The Percy dude was glaring at me and he looked like he was about it say something but Annabeth beat him to it.

"No Scott, he's not forcing me to do anything. In fact, whenever he called me, I was the one constantly telling him how much I missed New York. As for him forcing me to do anything, he'd be on the floor with broken bones if he even tried to do that. I don't know why you thought that but you're clearly jealous of I don't know what, but since you clearly don't like us being here, we will leave and finish packing. Bye."

With that, she grabbed Percy's hand, who had a lovestruck smile on his face, and dragged him out of the park. I was standing there stunned by what Annabeth had said. She clearly didn't like anyone talking to her fiance like that so I had clearly messed up. I needed to fix this but for now, I was stunned because I had seen the side of Annabeth I had never seen before. The protecting side of her. The lovestruck side of her. Because all the time she was there, she couldn't keep her eyes off of one guy. Her fiance, Percy Jackson.

Phew! That was long. Hope you enjoyed it. Not the best ending but I tried.

Edit: Ok I wrote this a while back and this A/N is kinda cringy so I apologize.

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