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I promised you guys a birthday one shot, so here it is.

It was her birthday today. Percy was super excited. He had everything planned out. He was gonna first make her breakfast in bed, then he was gonna wash the dishes. He was then gonna set up all her favourite movies and snacks and they would binge that all afternoon since Annabeth loved movies and cuddles on her off days. He was gonna then take her out to dinner, and then they were gonna have a party to celebrate her 28th birthday.

He had become a famous Olympic swimmer, and she was a world-renowned architect, which meant they were both always quite busy. However, he had taken the whole weekend off and made sure she took it off too since he knew her tendencies to be a workaholic.

When he got home, he was basically jumping. Her birthday was the next day and he was really excited. Annabeth, on the other hand, wasn't very excited. She was turning 28. Most would be excited to celebrate their birthdays but she felt like she was getting old.

She felt that because she was getting old, she wouldn't look the same and then Percy wouldn't love her anymore and then he would want a divorce and then she would be all alone again just like how she was when she was a child and when Thalia turned into a tree and Luke left her and-

"Anna? Are you ok?" She was snapped out of her thoughts by Percy. She was grateful for that. Her emotions had been going crazy all week and she didn't know what to do. (Wink wink)It was frustrating her. One minute she was happy the next she was angry and the next she was crying.

"Yeah, I'm fine." With that, she got up and went to the bathroom to change. She got back and got into bed, waiting for Percy to get in. When he got in, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to him. They laid there in silence for a few minutes before Annabeth asked him a question.

"Percy?" "Yeah?" "Would you still love me if I was old and not as pretty?" Percy's brain screeched to a halt. Why would Annabeth think he wouldn't love her? She was literally the light of his life. He loved her so much, he would die for her and he almost did, in Tartarus.

"Of course I would still love you! What makes you think I wouldn't. And you would be pretty whether you were old or not. You are pretty. You're drop dead gorgeous, actually." He looked down at her and saw the insecurity in her eyes. He hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear.

"Annabeth, I would love you no matter what, ok. You are the light of my life. Seeing your beautiful, gorgeous face and body is the reason I wake up every morning. Don't ever forget that ok?"

Annabeth had tears welling in her eyes. She was so happy that Percy would still love her. She nodded and hugged him back, tightly. They soon fell asleep.

Annabeth had had a horrible morning. On her birthday, nonetheless. She had been vomiting since literally 6 in the morning and she had felt so bloated and tired. Her emotions had also been running wild. She would cry scream and laugh and Percy could not understand what was wrong with her.

"Wise Girl, I really think we should call Will," Percy said after his wife had vomited for the 10th time in the past 3 hours. "No no, I'm fi-" she gagged and ran to the bathroom, again and Percy decided that he was calling Will, no matter what his wife said.

He walked out of the bathroom and gave Will a call. He knew Will was helping set up Annabeth's surprise party but he felt that this was more urgent. After about five minutes of talking to Will, Percy went back to the bathroom, where he found his wife crying on the floor.

He immediately rushed to her. "Hey, hey hey!" What's wrong?" "I- I don't know. I'm scared you-you're gonna leave me because I'm just getting old and fat and ugly-" "Hey! Hey! Beth! I told you last night, I will never, and I mean never leave you, do you understand me? Till death do us part, remember?"

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up and changed. Will is coming in a little bit." He helped her up and she washed her face. He gave her her clothes and she quickly changed, so that if she needed to, she could vomit and not mess up her clothes.

Right when she finished, the doorbell rang. Will walked in and turned to Annabeth. "Happy Birthday Annabeth. I would say I hope you've been having a great day but I can tell you haven't been. Let's get you checked okay?" Annabeth smiles and thanked him for wishing her and they went to the bedroom and sat down. Percy went to make his wife some breakfast, but also made something light, in case she couldn't keep it down.

Will gave her a basic checkup and then asked her what her symptoms were. "Well, I've been vomiting for the past three hours, my feet hurt, I feel bloated, my emotions are out of check, my back is hurting a little but that's probably from bending over the toilet bowl and I've been getting the weirdest food cravings."

I know y'all know exactly where I'm going with this

Will looked thoughtful and pulled out a stick. He gave it to Annabeth and told her to go take it. She was confused as to what it was but went to take it anyways. When she got to the bathroom, she realised what it was and almost jumped with excitement

It was a pregnancy test. If she was pregnant, she would be ecstatic. She and Percy had been wanting kids for the longest time!! She quickly took it and waited anxiously for the test. When three minutes were up, she checked it and almost screamed in joy. She was pregnant! She was having a baby! They were having a baby! She rushed out and saw Will standing there.

He looked at her, asking her the silent question. With her wide smile, she nodded and rushed downstairs, where Percy was making breakfast. She hugged him from behind and he turned around. "Hey! How'd the checkup go? Is everything ok?" Annabeth just nodded and gave him the pregnancy test. "I'm pregnant." She whispered.

Percy froze in shock. He looked down at the test and then back at her. "Really?" "Yes!!" "Oh, my gods!!!" He picked her up, spinning her around and hugging her tightly. He was ecstatic. They had wanted kids for the longest time and they were finally having them.

Annabeth was also so happy. She knew right then and there, that they would try to be the best parents they could to this child. She had to say, this was an amazing start to her 28th birthday.

LEMME TELL YOU!! I was not expecting it to be this long. I was expecting, like, 500 words at best. This is literally 1000+ words and I can't see straight right now. I'm literally questioning reality, I can see nothing. Anyways, I hope you like it, the People meet series is coming soon, I promise I just need to actually start writing. I have an idea, promise I just haven't written anything. The world is spinning right now, I feel very dizzy, Imma go watch some YouTube. Buh bye 👋

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