Best Friends part 3

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Part 3!! YAYYYY. Enjoy

It was official. Annabeth hated Percy Jackson. She despised him. ( Ha.Betcha didn't expect that didya) He was so cocky and arrogant. The worst part? He was in every single one of her classes. They even had their lockers next to each other! How is that even possible!?

Anyways, she was heading for her last class of the day and it was the last day of the week. Thank God! 40 more minutes and then she can go home and relax for the weekend.

The last class was Art, one of her favorite subjects. She always wanted to be an architect when she grew up so Art was an essential part of that.

She was a little late, considering she was still not familiar with the hallways and how to get around. Luckily, she got there right before the teacher.

Unluckily, the only empty seat was next to Percy Jackson. She groaned internally and went to sit next to him, dragging her chair as far from him as she could.

The teacher walked in and the lesson started.

*Timeskip to 10 minutes before class ended because I don't wanna explain the whole class.*

"Before you all start packing, I have one announcement to make. You have to do a project. In that project you must draw your dream house. This is a project that also involves your English class."

"After you have drawn your dream house, you will write down exactly how it looks, inside out, typed, and submit it to your English teacher. This counts as fifty percent of both classes."

"This is also a partners assignment and so that it's fair, the person you are sitting next to will be your partner for this project in English and in this class."

I'm thinking of making this a full story, what do you think. I'll still post it here but like less detailed. If you want me to make a story on this, comment. If you just want me to continue this as a multiple part oneshot comment.

Also sorry it's so short. I don't really feel the best right now and I can't get myself to write more.

Question of the Day:
Who is your favorite character? Do you think they were underrated on the books?

Hope you enjoy.


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