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This takes place a few weeks after TLO

Annabeth and Percy were walking through the hallway at Goode, heading for their lockers. Percy so desperately wanted to hold her hand but knew that she would just shoo it away. Annabeth wanted Percy to hold her hand but was scared that he just didn't want to.

They were still new to the whole relationship thing and had only started dating a couple of weeks ago. Percy was overjoyed when Annabeth decided to go to Goode instead of the boarding school she was initially going to go to.

Anyways, as they were walking they heard a high pitched screech coming from somewhere. At least, that's how it sounded to Annabeth. "Hey Percyyyy" the screeching was horrible and when she turned she saw it was Brooke Washington, the popular, yet sluttiest, the girl of the school.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and stopped walking since clearly she wanted to talk to Percy and there was no way she was letting that happen. "Uh hey, Brooke" Percy looked really uncomfortable and clearly wanted to be anywhere but here. "I wanted to talk to you, you know alone." She said while throwing Annabeth a distasteful look.

"Uhh, I'm running late for class maybe some other time?" "I'll just tell you now. You wanna go out sometime? You know just the two of us?" She was twirling her hair with her finger like that was going to convince her.

Annabeth, on the other hand, was about to punch her straight in the face for saying that. Percy, as if knowing what she was going to do, grabbed her wrist and said coldly to Brooke, "I don't want to go out with you and I don't know why I would but I would like you to know that I have a girlfriend and I would appreciate it if you didn't ask me in front of my girlfriend. Even if you did ask me if my girlfriend wasn't here I would still not go out with you because I am perfectly happy with my current girlfriend."

After saying that, he turned and pulled Annabeth after him. After a few minutes, he looked at her and asked her with a smirk, "Were you jealous?" "No! Why would I be jealous?" Percy just smiled and shook his head because he knew that she was jealous. He grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers and Annabeth was once again glad that her boyfriend was Percy.

Edit: I swear to God I never gave any type of freaking information. I was srsly so cringy.

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