Back From The Dead Part 2

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Previously: "Who are you?" Jason demanded him to tell everyone. "Well didn't think you would forget me so soon Superman." Jason froze. The man looked up and everyone could clearly see his sea green eyes. Percy Jackson was alive.

Everyone was in shock. Percy was alive! He wasn't dead. Everybody was just staring at him. Then the Stolls realized something. "Wait! We have to tell Annabeth! You have to go see her! She's been devastated!" Everyone realized that and agreed. Percy was smiling. "Of course I have to go see my fiancée. Where is she? At the archery range? She usually has to give lessons at this time." Everyone suddenly looked uncomfortable and wouldn't look him in the eye. "What? What happened to her?"

"She..... She hasn't been coming out of her cabin a lot. In the first few weeks, she wouldn't come out at all. Then, after your funeral, she just stays in their all day and only comes out to eat." Piper spoke up. Percy was shocked. Annabeth really hadn't left her cabin? He had to go see her. 

He knocked softly on the cabin door and then opened it after a few seconds, when he heard no reply. "Beth?" He said softly. He saw Annabeth on her bed, her eyes red and puffy, with her looking at a picture of him and Annabeth.

She looked up and her face morphed from crying to shocked to disbelief. She looked down and started muttering to herself. "No no no I'm hallucinating again. You aren't real. Please no. I can't bear this. Please."

Percy walked up to her and laid his hand on her shoulder. "Beth, you aren't hallucinating. I'm real. I'm completely real."

Annabeth looked up. She was crying and she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him close. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. Both of them were crying, Annabeth more than Percy.

Annabeth had her face buried in Percy's neck and Percy had his face buried in Annabeth's hair. They were both hysterically happy. They were back together.

But one question remained that would be asked later. How is Percy still alive?

So..... Uhh yeah. There's a double update cause it was my birthday on Friday so yeah. I was supposed to double update then but I got too lazy. So yeah. Here's a double update.

Also 2.1K READS!!!!! WHAT!!! Thank you all so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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