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There's an AU at the end explaining wtf happened to me. Please read it. Also this one shot sucks but ill fix it. Just not now

Percy's first tattoo was after his 16th birthday. It had been about a month since the whole Kronos debacle and Manhattan was more or less back to normal. He decided to get a tattoo to.... We'll he didn't really have a reason he just wanted one. He decided to get a small trident because why not?

He got to the tattoo shop and asked them if he could get a small trident a little below on the left of his ankle joint. They asked if he had permission and he called his mom then and there. She gave him the permission and he got his tattoo. He walked out of there feeling exhilarated because well... He didn't know but he just felt so fulfilled

He got his second tattoo the day before he got taken by Hera at age 16. It was his mothers name because why not. He loved her and he wanted to always have her in some form with him. So he got her name with a cookie next to it. He showed it to her. She cried. But she was happy.

His third tattoo was with Annabeth at age 17. They got matching ones. He got 'wise girl' tattoed in cursive on the small of his back and Annabeth got 'seaweed brain tattooed the same way on her upper back.

By the time he was 19 he had gotten both his arms tattooed, covered in anything to do with the sea. He had ocean waves tattooed on as well as the names of all of those who had sacrificed themselves in all the wars, some of the more prominent ones being Beckendorf, Lee Fletcher, Michael Yew, Ethan Nakamura, Bob, Luke Caselltan and Bianca Di Angelo.

At age 27 Annabeth and him had their wedding bands tattooed on their left-hand ring fingers.

At age 35 he had the names of all five of his children tattooed right below the name of his wife on the small of his back.

At age 44 he tattooed the names of the Seven of the Argo on Jason's death anniversary with a symbol representing them on the side of his abdomen. Jason had a lightening bolt, Annabeth had a blue New York Yankees cap, Leo had a tool belt, Piper had feathers, Frank had a bear paw, Hazel had a gold jewel and his name had a trident.

I don't know what else to write. I have no ideas and this idea was half figure out but I figured I owed you guys an update. The reason I haven't updated is because im having my exams. Not just the school exams THE exams. Americans have SATs and Britain has CIEs. Well we follow the Cambridge System so I have my CIEs literally this Monday and on top of that, my school had given us like tests every other week. This is a half assed story that will be fixed after my CIEs which end on 12th May but we get a break in the middle so I'll update if I can. However don't expect proper updates until after 12th May. Plus I need to transfer all my stories to Google Docs and stuff so that's also going to take a while. But I put a disclaimer in the description so technically not my fault. Please pray for me and hope my exams go well cause im terrified.

Percabeth OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now