Perfect Utopia

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Annabeth was struggling. She had to write an essay for her English Language class in college about what one's perfect utopia would be like. She was struggling because she didn't know what to write for her perfect utopia. Well, she did, but she didnt. She had half an idea but she didnt know how to write it and she really didnt want to mention the gods or anything to do with Olympus, because, really, when were the gods ever nice to her? Plus, you know, dyslexia and all that jazz.

Then Percy walked in, with a cup of tea and a plate of cookies for her. He approached her, kissing her forehead and resting his chin on her head while setting the tea and cookies down in front of her. They had moved in together in New Rome when they decided to attend college here, Annabeth majoring in architecture and Percy majoring in business and marine biology.

"Hi," he said softly. Annabeth unconsciously smiled. "Hi," she said back softly. "Whatcha doin'?" he asked her. "Trying to write an essay for my English class." "What's it about?" "We have to write about what our perfect utopia would be like."

"I'm pretty sure your perfect Utopia is designing a whole city exactly how you would like it." Percy joked. Annabeth let out a forced chuckle but Percy saw right through it. He moved to stand next to her and bent down so he was on the same level as her. "Hey, what's up? You seem way too stressed over this essay. Why? You usually love essays."

Annabeth sighed. "I just dont know how to write this essay without including the gods or that much of camp, because I really just don't want to write about the gods." "Then maybe make something up? I mean, still, write about your perfect utopia but exclude a few things, like how your mom's a goddess." "Yeah, but I dont get how to do that." Percy stopped for a minute, thinking before an idea popped into his head. "What if you write about your future? Like kids, family, house? It'll still be your perfect utopia but you just won't be talking about the gods and Olympus and camp and stuff."

"Oh my gods, thats actually such a good idea," Annabeth exclaimed, quickly opening up a new document and starting her essay. "Thankyou so so much Percy, you're the best," she said, pausing for a minute to give him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled at her, "No problem Wise Girl, I'll go get started on the dishes while you do your homework, I love you." "I love you too Percy," Annabeth said distractedly as she figured out the base and structure of her essay.

After two hours, she was finally done. She quickly read it over and realized something. Her perfect utopia, the one she'd written about, at least, was about her and Percy; them growing old together, them having kids together, them getting married, and she realized something. No matter where she was, as long as Percy was with her, it would be her perfect utopia.

She smiled at the thought before getting up to go find Percy. She found him in the kitchen, finishing up cleaning the counters. He looked up when he heard the door open and smiled at her. "Hey, all done with the essay?" "Yep. You wanna go out and have dinner? Make a date night out of what's left of the night?" Percy beamed. "Obviously, let me just change real quick."They never really got to have date nights because of how much work they both had to do for school as well as camp work.

He started heading for their bedroom and when he got to the door, he stopped, turned around and said "I love you Wise Girl." Annabeth smiled and said, "I love you too Seaweed Brain." Yup, she thought, perfect utopia.

Aloha. I've had this idea half written for like over a year I think and I'm so glad I finally finished it. You know, the more I write these one-shots, the more the ideas start flowing in and I've had this royal AU in my notes app for ages that I'm thinking of writing next where they're enemies and have to get married because of convenience and stuff. What do you think? Let me know


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