The Party

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139 reads!!!!! Thankyou guys so so much. This means a lot. Now on with the story.

I was standing awkwardly, in the middle of the horny teenagers and and kissing couples. My best friends Piper and Thalia had dragged me over to the party, claiming that, 'You're not social enough. You need to loosen up.'

True I don't really talk to a lot of people but I have my best friends so honestly, I don't really need more friends. But, here I am, dragged in thanks to my best friends. 

I didn't really know what it do so I walked into the kitchen, to get some water and then maybe get out of here. That would be a good idea except for one problem. I didn't know how to drive.

While I was thinking of these problems, I crashed into someone and we both fell down.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to do that." I was freaking out a little because that's just me.

"It's OK don't worry yourself. I'm fine." The guy I bumped into was really handsome. His hair was raven black and really messy, making me want to run my fingers through it. He had a toned body and you could tell he worked out a lot. But the most interesting part of him was his eyes. They were a beautiful sea green color that looked like they were swirling like a storm, kinda like my eyes, or so my friends tell me.

We both got up and I noticed that he too looked uncomfortable being here.
"You look like you don't want to be here either," I commented. He looked at me and said, "Is it that obvious?" I nodded and he groaned. I let out a small giggle and he looked at me. I felt my face getting red and turned away.

"Percy Jackson," he said after a few minutes of silence, holding out his hand. "Annabeth Chase," I said, shaking his outstretched hand.
"Soooo....... You wanna get outta here? Cause I'm not much of a party person and I can tell you aren't one either?" He said after a few minutes of conversation. I looked at him, debating whether to go with him or not. Suddenly a random guy collapsed right in front of us and started vomiting. We stepped back, disgusted.

Making a split second desicion, I said, " Let's go." He led me outside and I looked around, trying to figure out which car was his. Instead he guided me to a bike. I honestly don't prefer riding bikes but I decided it was better than staying here.

I got on behind him and he gave me a helmet. I wrapped my arms around his waist and gripped it, leaning my head on his back. He started the bike and drove off.

As he got faster, my grip on him tightened and I closed my eyes, liking my position a lot. Obviously we had just met but I really liked him.

The bike stopped and I got off. We were somewhere foreign to me, although I had lived in New York my entire life. He led me to the top and then I realized we were on a cliff. I looked around and gasped. The view was beautiful!

We were over the sea and you could see the moon bright up in the sky. It was a full moon and it was lighting up the entire sky.

I sat down on the edge and Percy sat down next to me. I looked at him and he looked right at home. "Do you come here a lot?" "Yeah, it's kinda like my comfort place. I can't me here to think and get away from the world you know?"

"Yeah, I do." We sat in silence but it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable. I don't know why but I felt really comfortable with him, like I've known him forever, which is crazy since I've only known him for like an hour.

It was cold and I shivered a little, shifting a little closer to him, because he was radiating heat. He noticed and I saw his cheeks get a little red but he slowly put his arm around me.

I could feel my cheeks get hot but I stayed where I was. After a few minutes I finally got the courage to scoot closer. I didn't feel awkward, I felt comfortable, like I've done this with him multiple times, even though I hadn't.

I leaned against his chest and snuggles into him. The arm that was around me, was stiff in the beginning but, slowly, his arm started to relax, and wrap around my shoulders more comfortably.

I looked up at him and he looked down at me. We were just enjoying the moment when I got an urge to kiss him. He looked like he had the same thought in his head, because he started leaning in, very slowly, like he was giving me time to change my mind.

I leaned forward, slowly, just like him. We both slowly leaned in, cherishing the moment. Our lips met in the middle and it was pure bliss. His lips tasted like the ocean and I was slowly getting addicted to it. His arm left my shoulder and travelled down to my waist, while mine went up to his neck, wrapping around it, pulling him closer to me. I fell backwards and he put his hand under my head so that I don't hit it. We kept kissing for what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes.

We pulled apart, panting a little bit and stared straight in each other's eyes. He was on top of me and my fingers were tangled in his hair. We started smiling and he asked me out on a date. I said yes, obviously. We drove back to the party and I went home with my friends, after exchanging numbers with Percy.

That was 5 years ago when I was 21. Now I'm 26 and happily married for a year to Percy with our son, Charles Jackson. I was glad my best friends dragged me to that party. Or else I would have never found the love of my life.

And end. Hope you enjoyed. It was quite long. Like over a 1000 words. Hope you guys liked it. Sorry for updating so late. I just didn't know how to finish this.

Also I had a question. I'm writing a people meet Percabeth type of story but I don't know what it do. Should I write, like, Oneshots of random people meeting the demigod couples or should I write a full story where the most goes away and the couple's have to go to school and stuff. Please help me out. Thanks byeeee

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