Someone give me a title please

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Annabeth and Percy were on a date. It was a Saturday and they were both finally free from homework and all of that. They were super happy that they could finally go on a date.

They were just walking because they both knew neither of them would have time to plan the date so they had decided that they would go for a walk and eat wherever they could.

Annabeth spotted a small cafe that was tucked in between two shops. She pointed it out to Percy and said that they should go there. He obviously agreed and they walked over there.

They were talking about their time at camp and what the Stolls had done this time when Annabeth spotted someone. "Ughhhh" Percy looked at his girlfriend surprised. She never groaned like that.

"What's wrong?" "Nothing it's just that guy from my school, Joan. He keeps hitting on me and asking me out even though I've told him I have a boyfriend." She told him while rolling her eyes at the name Joan.

Percy frowned. He would be lying if he said he didn't feel a little jealous. I mean, how would you feel if you find out someone's hitting on your girlfriend.

Annabeth saw Percy's frown. She smirked. "Perce, are you jealous?" She asked him in a reading tone with a smirk. "No of course not. Why would I be? I mean you've told him you have a boyfriend right?"

With that, the conversation ended. They ordered some food and started eating and talking about how school was going. They were almost finished when they heard a very loud and irritating voice.

"Babe! What are you doing here!" Percy gritted his teeth. How dare this.. this... this mortal call his girlfriend babe. He was just ready to kill.

Annabeth sighed. She was irritated because she was having an enjoyable date with Percy and this idiot just had to ruin it. She turned towards him.

"First of all, don't call me babe. We aren't dating and never will. Second, what do you want? I was enjoying a perfectly good and nice date with my boyfriend and I would like to get back to it."

He seemed taken aback. "You have a boyfriend?" "Yes she has a boyfriend and he would appreciate it if you wouldn't call her babe in front of him." Percy said it with gritted teeth and clenched fists, ready to get up and give this guy a beating.

Joan narrowed his eyes. He stalked out because he didn't want to make a scene. When he was outside, he turned around and stared at Annabeth. "You will be mine Annabeth." He whispered under his breath and walked off.

.......... I don't have a title so please help me get a title. Also 2.5k reads!!!!????? Wtf????!!!! How?? Thank you guys so much. I really really appreciate it. Please someone give me a title for this chapter

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