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Annabeth was stumped. She did not know what to make anymore. She was at a dead end and couldn't think of anything else to draw for Olympus.

It was like she had lost her inspiration. She drew statues but they didn't speak to her. She drew domes and temples but she couldn't think of any designs.

Part of the reason could be her not sleeping for the past two days. The other reason was that she hadn't seen Percy in almost a week. He had gone to Sally's house to get a break and spend some time with his mom.

He asked her if she wanted to come but she didn't want to intrude so she declined. Now she was partially regretting it.

She was at the beach because being near the sea was kind of like being near Percy, and being near Percy was like being near home.  Although she didn't have one. Percy was her inspiration and her motivation, one of the only people who could make her feel like she wasn't worthless and that she meant something.

Her father had called her a few days ago to ask her to come home. She declined and he got mad and said horrible things to her. He told her she didn't have a home anymore. Not like he ever cared if she did or not. She had lost the privilege to call that place home when she had been forced to run away. She hadn't called him back since.

Percy was the one who had comforted her after that. Percy was the one who told her she wasn't worthless. Percy was the one who actually cared about her. Percy told her she had a home.

And she hadn't seen him in a while. She was missing him. She sighed and closed her eyes, laying back down. She didn't want to sleep, just give herself a minute to lie down.

She fell asleep the minute her eyes closed. She woke up to a bunk bed above her. She sat up and realized she was in Percy's cabin. The bathroom door opened and her head whipped around.

It was Percy, in all his glory, coming out of the bathroom. She got up and ran straight at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist, hugging him as hard as she could.

He responded immediately and that was when Annabeth realized. Percy was her home. He had always been her home and she never wanted him to leave.

I know it's really bad but I don't know what to write. Please suggest something cause I'm slowly running out of ideas. I'd really appreciate some help.

Hope you enjoy.


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